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ENG 463: Postcolonial Narrative Cinema: Library Research Resources

Course Guide for Prof. S. Shankar's ENG 463 course, Spring 2017.

Library Research Resources

Research Databases

International Movie Database

Subject-Specific Databases

Multi-Subject Databases

Interlibrary Loan

Reference Books

Related Research Guides

Requesting Films

To obtain a book, DVD, CD or other item in the library, you must request the item online. What this means is:

  • Use the Hawai'i Voyager Catalog to find the item.
  • Click on the "Get This Item" link.
  • Log in.
  • Click "Hold or transfer this item".
  • Choose your pickup location, enter your UH number again, and any necessary details.
  • Click "Submit Request".
  • Go to Sinclair Library 3rd floor (Wong AV Center) to pick up your item(s).
  • If you chose a different location, wait to be notified of it's availability.  


  • All requested items will be held at the center for three business days. A valid UH ID card is required to pick up an item.
  • The standard loan period for audiovisual media for UH students is 7 days, with the possibility of 1 renewal.
  • If you don't have a DVD or VHS player, you can use the equipment at the Wong AV Center.
  • Some items held by other campuses cannot be requested.

Subject Headings

Subject headings are standardized terms used to describe materials in library catalogs. Use them for more precise and targeted searching and to cross-reference items in the catalog. 

Here are some examples. Enter them into the Subject tab in the Voyager catalog to browse related terms and items categorized under that heading. Using Advanced Search, try combining a subject search with an additional keyword.

  • Motion pictures--India
  • Motion pictures--India--History and criticism
  • Motion pictures--India--History and criticism
  • Motion pictures--Africa
  • Motion pictures--Africa--History and criticism.
  • Motion pictures and globalization.
  • Feature films -- India
  • Feature films -- Algeria
  • Feature films-- South Africa

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