For maps, aerials, and GIS resources, please visit the MAGIS website, where many maps and aerial photos are digitized and available to view and download. This is the primary way to access maps and aerials in our collection and repositories. The website also provides links to numerous institutions with extensive collections.
Note, the maps and aerials collection is a closed collection and not publicly browseable. Generally, what's not online is unprocessed and not available. Requests for such materials depend on the availability of trained staff or student assistants. (anticipate long response times)
Theodore Kwok
Geospatial Librarian
Mahany Lindquist
GIS Coordinator
An equal opportunity institution.
Use of this site implies consent with our Usage Policy.
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA
808-956-7214 (Reference)
808-956-7203 (Circulation)
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