Kwajalein Atoll in is the largest atoll in the Marshall Islands. The atoll is made up of 97 islands and islets, 11 of which are leased by the United States. These islands are part of the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site (formerly known as Kwajalein Missile Range). Leased islands include Kwajalein (the largest of the group), Meck, Eniwetak, Omelek, Gellinam, Gagan, Ennugarret and Roi-Namur on the eastern side of the atoll and Ennylabegan, Legan and Illeginni on the western side.
Access to Kwajalein and Roi-Namur islands is tightly controlled, and largely limited to U.S. military personnel and their families. Marshallese for the most part live on Ebeye island, which is one of the most densely populated islands in the Pacific. Over the years, there have been a number of controversies surrounding Kwajalein, including issues with land leases and environmental contamination. The aerial photo at left, taken in 1968, is of a portion of Roi-Namur island, and is part of a large collection of aerial photographs that document the region.
Images in the below collections document various aspects of Kwajalein (from various points of view) during World War II, the Trust Territory era and into the mid-1980s.
There are numerous newspaper and magazine accounts related to a wide array of issues related to Kwajalein -- the above comes from an article in the September 1, 1982 issue of the magazine Pacific Islands Monthly, using the database TROVE (see below). The three databases below (Chronicling America, Papers Past and TROVE) can all be searched using the simple keyword Kwajalein. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an online newspaper that covers life on the atoll. Note that there is at times a marked difference in tone or point-of-view between papers published in the United States and those published in either Australia or New Zealand.