Use indexes and databases to search for specific monologues by scene, playwright, or role.
Sometimes the full text of a monologue will be accessible in the database you search, but more often the database will only provide a citation for the monologue. Actually one of two kinds of citations will be available: (1) a citation with only the information about the larger creative work of which the monologue is a component, or (2) a citation to an anthology of many monologues. The later citation tells you in which book (anthology) the monologue is located. If you have that citation, you have to determine if the library has the book by following the steps to find books.
The library catalog (OneSearch) is also a major source for locating anthologies of monologues in general. Several examples of broad subject terms that can be used in keyword searches for finding monologues are listed below:
You can also browse the call number area PN2080 in the library for monologues. Another option is to use the "Play Resources" section of this guide to find monologues within plays. You might also want to look for what monologues have been publish, whether or not the library has them. There are a number of indexes to discover monologues listed below.
Includes the full text of plays from across the history of the theatre, ranging from Aeschylus to the present day. Includes non-English-language works in translation, scholarly and critical editions, first night program texts, and critical analysis and contextual information. It also contains a "monologue search" option for the plays within the database.
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