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Course Reserves

Located at Hamilton Library | See Circulation Desk hours

Reserves are course-related materials that UH Mānoa faculty have placed in the library for their students to use. The items can be accessed for a limited amount of time so that all students are given the chance to use the materials.

Locate Your Course Reserves Items:

Additional Search Options

A-Z Database: ebooks        A-Z Database: streaming


To locate your items use the 
search field above or go to OneSearch - Course Reserves



Online Course Reserves Request Form
Semester Deadlines
Fall July 1
Spring November 1
Summer April 1
Print/Electronic Reserves
Controlled Digital Lending (CDL)
Media/Streaming Reserves
Class Showing
  • Library books - 3 days to 2 weeks
  • Personal copies - 1 day to 5 working days
  • Electronic reserves - scan up to 20 % of the book, must comply with copyright
  • Ordered books - minimum 2 months before needed/use date (only one, required item, copy can be purchased due to limited funds)
  • Purchase Ebooks - 3 to 7 days
  • Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) - several days up to 3 weeks
  • Library and personal copies - 1 day to 5 working days
  • Digitizing reserves – may take up to 3 weeks per video
  • Ordered media - minimum 2 months before needed/use date (only one, required item, copy can be purchased due to limited funds)
  • Purchase streaming license - most 3 - 7 days, few up to 2 months
  • Media for class showing - varies depending on needed/use date
If the instructor has any questions about the processing time please tell them to send an email to If the instructor has any questions about the processing time please tell them to send an email to
  • Please submit your requests one item at a time by the stated deadline.
  • Due to limited funds the library will try to purchase one copy of a title we do not have.
  • All items are taken off reserve at the end of the semester.
  • Copyright Information

NOTE: Instructor's Personal Copies
The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library will not be responsible for any damaged, missing and/or lost personal copy, photocopy or reprint while on reserve. Faculty will be notified to either replace the personal copy or to withdraw it from reserves.



Online Media for Class Showing Request Form
  • UH System Faculty and staff may directly request media owned by the Wong Audiovisual Center to use in the class.
  • Please submit your requests one item at a time.
  • Items may be picked up at UHM Hamilton Library Circulation Desk.
  • This service is not available for community and associate card holders.



Online Controlled Digital Lending Request Form
  • UHM Faculty may submit requests one item at a time.
  • The library can digitize whole books the library owns, except for textbooks, e-book that is available for purchase and faculty's personal copy.
    • Digitizing will take several days up to three weeks.
  • CDLs are available 24/7 for the requesting semester using the MyDocs app viewer.
    • Need UH login and password.
    • One user at a time per copy.
  • CDLs are read-only, cannot download, print, and edit.
  • CDL maintains a one-to-one ratio with our library print holdings.
    • The one-to-one ratio means the physical library book is unavailable for borrowing when it has been made available as a CDL version.  
  • Loan period is decided by the instructor with a 15 minute black out time for the person who wants to renew immediately.
    • Notification of availability is possible if the CDL is in use.
  • CDL will be removed on the last day of finals.

Due to copyright considerations and under the guidance of the UH General Counsel, the library will not CDL current textbooks used as the main required textbook for the course. The library is mindful of avoiding any risk of claims of copyright infringement.