The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa's Center for Oral History has conducted dozens of oral history projects, focusing on Hawaiʻi's ethnic groups, industries and historical events.
Transcripts of the interviews are available to the public via the Center for Oral History's community in the UHM institutional repository ScholarSpace. If you prefer hard copy of the transcripts, they are available at UH System libraries, and the Hawaiʻi State Public Library System.
Check for oral history transcripts and recordings at UH System libraries:
Examples of Basic Keyword searches:
hawaii oral histor? food
hawaii oral histor? architecture
hawaii oral histor? medic?
hawaii oral histor? sugar
hawaii interview? world war ii
hawaii oral histor? world war ii
hawaii interview? church?
Go directly to Hawaiʻi Voyager for more search options.
Go to this Research Refresher guide for search tips.
IMPORTANT: You must submit a request for items held at the Hawaiian Collection or the Sinclair AV Center.