This tutorial will show you how to access digital copies of LCA records in Avakonohiki and in particular how to access the translations of native testimonies and transcriptions of land commission awards.
1. Go to
2. Hover over the tab "Hawaii Land Documents"
3. Click the menu option "FT Advanced Search"
4. Click the box "Browse"
5. Click the option, "AVAKONOHIKI - LCA (Land Commission Awards)"
6. Click the box "Update"
7. Type in LCA number and click the magnifying glass icon
8. Results list will show native and foreign testimonies and land commission awards
9. Click any results that have the words NT transcriptions to access translations of the native testimonies
10. Click any results that have the LCA numbers searched to access the LCA award and a transcription of the text
IMPORTANT NOTE: The drop-down menus beneath the circled tabs are where you can access the digitized versions of the bound foreign testimonies, native testimonies, and land commission awards, which can eliminate the need to use the microfilm reels.