While the 1866 census covered all the islands, unfortunately, these are only enumeration sheets that survived for the 1866 census. To learn more about this census, click here.
Hilo - Paukaa |
Kahoʻolawe |
Census of People On Board Vessels in Port or at Sea |
Vessels: Active, Alberni, Awana, Emeline, Express, Halawa, Helen, Hokulele, Indian Maid, Kalama, Kamoi, Kate Lee, Kilauea, Live Yankee, Lokoloa, Malolo, Marilda, Mary, Mary Ellen, Maunaloa, Moi Keiki, Moi Wakine, Nettie Merrill, Odd Fellow, Prince, Rob Roy, Wailele, Waimalu. |
This digital collection was created to help kānaka locate their ancestors in the 1866 census. Digital images are from the census microfilm reel. It is available online in the Hawaiʻi State Archive's Census Collection. Mahalo nui to them for digitizing and making it available.
Locations are listed by island, district, and place names. They are arranged in the order they appeared on the microfilm and are written as they appeared as well. This collection helps one browse family names by locations. This census is not indexed in Family Search's collection Hawaii Island Census Records, 1878-1896.
This digital collection is possible because of our Native Hawaiian Student Services' Kekaulike Internship intern, Cayli Rose Santana, who spent many hours sorting digital microfilm images.
A special mahalo to Native Hawaiian Student Services for the continued support and aloha for UHM's Hawaiian Collection. This digital collection is inspired by their vision and mission of, "Growing Hawaiian Leaders, Strengthening Hawaiian Research, and Empowering the Lāhui." We hope this digital collection will further their work by helping the lāhui connect with the ea of their ancestors from the 1860s.
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