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Japan/Okinawa Studies: Joint Events 2013: Exhibit Opening Reception on February 8, 2013

The University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) and the National Museum of Japanese History (Rekihaku) held a series of joint events, Parades and Processions of Edo Japan, from February 6-11, 2013.


   remarks_chancellor ohkubo remarks_art gallery dir mcdonald bazzell mc
Remarks by Chancellor Tom Apple    Remarks by Deputy Dir. Ohkubo Remarks by Art Gallery Dir Bengston CJS Director McDonald closed the reception Emcee by Librarian Bazzell

Gallery Tour led by Dr. John Szostak

tour 1 tour 2 tour 3
tour 4 tour 5

Light Moments among the guests

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Tokiko Bazzell, Lonny Carlile, John Szostak Robert Huey, Mrs. Tamashiro, Robert Nakasone Kosuke Harayama, Hiroshi Kurushima, Junichi Ohkubo
informal 4 informal 11 informal 6
Manabu Yokoyama, Deb Rudolph, John Hawley Yuko Miyabe, Yokoyama, Sachiyo Kawaiaea, Kazunari Tanaka Barbara Smith (back), Mr. & Mr. Urquhart w/ Lori Admiral
informal 7 bazzell informal