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Japan/Okinawa Studies: Joint Events 2013: Public Lecture on February 10, 2013

The University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) and the National Museum of Japanese History (Rekihaku) held a series of joint events, Parades and Processions of Edo Japan, from February 6-11, 2013.

Public Lecture on Feb. 10, 2013

The Public Lecture Discovering Historical Parades and Processions from China, Korea, and Ryukyu during the Edo Period was held on Febraruay 10, 2013 at the Center for Korean Auditorium. The Public Lecture will be broadcasting by the Hawaii Okinawa Today (HOT) team later.

kurushima pub 1 yokoyama pub 2 seifman pub 1
Dr. Kurushima with Ms. Hara, an interpreter Dr. Yokoyama with Ms. Hara, an interpreter Mr. Travis Seifman


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Dr. John Szostak Dr. Gregory Smits Dr. Mary McDonald


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After the presentation: L-R Travis Seifman, Tokiko Bazzell, Deb Rudolph, John Hawley, Grant Kagimoto, Manabu Yokoyama