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Japan/Okinawa Studies: Joint Events 2013: Returning the exhibit items from Japan

The University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) and the National Museum of Japanese History (Rekihaku) held a series of joint events, Parades and Processions of Edo Japan, from February 6-11, 2013.

At the Library Preservation

Dr. Junichi Ohkubo, Dr. Hiroshi Kurushima, and Dr. Kosuke Harayama hand carried back the loand Sakamaki/Hawley Collection items on February 6, 2013. At the Preservation Department, Ms. Debora Dunn and Mr. Seth Irwin, Conservators, unwrapped the boxes and examined the items. 

returning 1 returning 2 Deb & Seth are inspecting.

Information exchange between two parties.

info exchange 1 info exchange 2 info exchange 3

Group photo. L to R: Lynn Davis, Tokiko Bazzell, Kosuke Harayama, Junichi Ohkubo, Hirosh Kurushima, Debora Dunn, Seth Irwin

group photo