This is not a comprehensive list of all translations, but there are a few publishers that translated large portions of these volumes so they are mentioned here in their collective.
Includes the St. Matthias islands (Mussau islands), Emirau Island and Tench Island
The description of Palau is split into five parts, each containing two sub-sections on various topics listed below.
Part 1:
I. History and discovery
II. Geography
Part 2:
III. Settlements and districts
IV. Demography, anthropology and language
Part 3:
V. Objects
VI. Material culture
Part 4:
VII. Stories and songs
VIII. Botanical and zoological Palauan word index
Part 5:
IX. Culture and the decorative arts
X. Directory of Bai structures
Part 1 includes the islands of Lukunor, Namoluk, Losap, Nama, Lemarafat, Namonuito (Onon), Pulap - Tamatam (in German: Lukunór-inseln, Nàmoluk, Lósap, Nama, Lëmàrafat, Namonuito oder Onóun, and Pollap-Tàmatam).
Part 2 includes the islands of Puluwat, Pulusuk, and Satawal (in German: Polowat, Hok, and Satowal).
Includes the islands of Lukunor, Namoluk, Losap, Nama, Lemarafat, Namonuito (Onon), Pulap - Tamatam.
Includes the islands of Puluwat, Pulusuk, and Satawal.
Includes the islands of Kapingamarangi, Nukuoro, Sapwuahfik , Mokil (Mwoakilloa), and Pingelap
Part 1 includes the Palau islands of Sonsorol, Pulo Anna, and Merir (in German, Songosor, Pur, and Merir).
Part 2 includes Tobi Island (Palauan state of Hatohobei) and Ngulu Atoll (Yap), and a short section on the culture on the islands of Sonsorol, Pulo Anna, Merir, Tobi and Ngulu (in German, Tobi and Ngulu).
Includes the islands of Sonsorol, Pulo Anna, and Merir.
Includes Tobi Island (Palauan state of Hatohobei) and Ngulu Atoll (Yap), and a short section on the culture on the islands of Sonsorol, Pulo Anna, Merir, Tobi and Ngulu.
Part 1 includes the Yap islands of the Lamotrek Group, Woleai, and Fais, (in German: Làmotrek-gruppe, Oleai, and Feis).
Part 2 includes the Yap islands of Ifalik, Eauripik, Faraulep, Sorol and Ulithi (Mogmog), (in German: Ifaluk, Aurepik, Faraulip, Sorol and Mogemog)
Includes the Yap islands of the Lamotrek Group, Woleai, and Fais.
Includes the Yap islands of Ifalik, Eauripik, Faraulep, Sorol and Ulithi (Mogmog)
Ongtong Java Atoll (Luangiua) is part of the Solomon Islands, and Nukumanu Islands are part of Papua New Guinea
Part 2 also includes notes on Solomon Islands' Sikaiana Islands (formerly Stewart Islands), and Papua New Guinea's Nuguria Islands (Abgarris or Fead Islands), Takuu Atoll (Takuu Mortlock or Marqueen Islands), and Carteret Islands (Tulun or Kilinailau Atolls).
Also includes notes on Solomon Islands' Sikaiana Islands (formerly Stewart Islands), and Papua New Guinea's Nuguria Islands (Abgarris or Fead Islands), Takuu Atoll (Takuu Mortlock or Marqueen Islands), and Carteret Islands (Tulun or Kilinailau Atolls).
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