To access aerial photographs in printed format, follow the instructions below:
NOTE: Most aerial photos are fragile and not available for public handling. There was a flood in 2004, damaging many aerials. We are still scanning and processing the photos. Please understand that staff investigation and providing access to unprocessed scanned aerials takes a long time (weeks or months, depending on the inquiry). Please plan your research accordingly. Be sure to review our Digital Aerial Photographs section to see what is available online.
More than 70,000 aerial prints from more than 1,000 flights, most dating from 1942-1949. Received from UCLA. Collection primarily of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, other parts of South East Asia and the East Asia. This collection is being digitized.
More than 10,000 aerial prints of Micronesia with coverage from 1945 to 1976. Received from Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Archives (Saipan). Collection includes photos of the islands of the former-TTPI, primarily Marshalls, Ponape, Truk, Marianas, Yap, Palau, and Kosrae. These aerials complement the TTPI documents, microfilm, and photographs held by the Pacific Collection. This collection is being digitized, but not yet available online. Contact us with your request.
The Alele Museum and National Archives donated over a 2100 print and digital aerial photographs of the Marshall Islands from the 1940s, 1960s, and 1970s. MAGIS has digitized and made available online 271 print aerials primarily of Jaluit and Wotje Atolls. Nearly 2000 aerials that were digitized and donated by the Alele Museum are available online in PDF and cover the atolls of Ailinganae, Ailinglaplap, Ailuk, Arno, Bikar, Bikini, Ebon, Enewetok, Kwajalein, Lai, Likiep, Majuro, Maloelap, Mili, Namorik, Namu, Rongerik, Taka, Ujae, Ujelang, Utirik, Wotho, and Wotje.
Approximately 1,100 aerial prints, dating from 1970s-1990s. Prints were donated to MAGIS post-flood by Jim Maragos. Primarily of the Marshall Islands, Chuuk, Yap, Ponape, Guam, and American Samoa.
Approximately 4,000-5,000 aerial prints, dating from 1920s-1980s. Prints were donated to MAGIS post-flood by the local USGS office. Two major components - Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands. The Hawaiʻi component includes a unique collection of USGS prints (Oahu only) from the 1920s. The Pacific Island component includes prints of Wallis, Marshalls, Ponape, Truk, Marianas, Yap, Palau, American Samoa, and the Solomons.
Approximately 1550 aerial prints, dating from 1940-1988. Prints donated to MAGIS post-flood by the local USGS office. Collection primarily covers southeastern quadrant of Oahu.
Large scale black & white photogrametric maps (1:2,400) with 5' contour intervals. Prepared by R.M. Towill Corp. for the City and County of Honolulu Planning Dept. We own most of the maps in this series.
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