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Japan/Okinawa Studies: Joint Events 2013: Joint Events 2013

The University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) and the National Museum of Japanese History (Rekihaku) held a series of joint events, Parades and Processions of Edo Japan, from February 6-11, 2013.

About this page

This is an archival site for the Joint Events 2013 between the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library and the National Museum of Japanese Studies (Rekihaku). In this page, the following information is available:

  • Picturing the Ryukyus Exhibit February 7-22, 2013.
  • Public Lecture Discovering Historical Parades and Processions from China, Korea, and Ryukyu during the Edo Period on February 10, 2013.
  • Symposium Interpreting Parades and Processions of Edo Japan on Feburary 11, 2013.
  • Speaker profiles
  • Symposium paper abstracts

Also see the related site of this event.Click the image. joint event 2013

Exhibit @ UH Art Gallery Feb. 7-22, 2013

prince kin

Exhibit - Feb. 7 (Thursday) - Feb. 22 (Friday) 2013

Curators - Dr. John Szostak and Mr. Travis Seifman

Take a brief tour



@ UHM Art Gallery

Picturing the Ryukyus: Images of Okinawa in Japanese Artworks from the UH Sakamaki/Hawley Collection

The exhibit features four rare scrolls, two of which are depicting the 1671 and 1710 Ryukyuan embassy processions to Edo, one rare accordion book on manners and customs of the Ryukyus, and several selected woodblock prints on the procession.  The four scrolls and one accordion book will be displayed in their entirety for the first time. In addition, digitally enhanced images highlighting points of interest will be created and displayed along with the scrolls.

the Joint Symposium, February 11, 2013

 Symposium program PDF Version

 parade logoClick here for the event flyer

University of Hawaii at Manoa and National Museum of Japanese History Joint event

UHM Library collections of art depicting emissaries from the Ryukyu Kingdom was exhibited in Japan, titled “Early Modern Japan through Parades: Samurai, Aliens, Festivals,"  from October 26 through December 9, 2012.  When the works returned to UH, an exhibit and symposium gave Hawai‘i audiences a firsthand look. The Joint Symposium Interpreting Parades and Processions of Edo Japan was successfully held on Feb. 11, 2013 at the UHM Center for Korean Studies Auditorium.

Public Lecture on Feb. 10, 2013

The Public Lecture was successfully concluded. Thank you very much for your attendance and support.

Campus Map (CKS) @ UHM Center for Korean Studies Auditorium

Discovering Historical Parades and Processions from China, Korea, and Ryukyu during the Edo Period

Public Lecture Schedule

Dr. Hiroshi Kurushima, Professor, National Museum of Japanese History, Japan
Early Modern Japan through Parades

Dr. Manabu Yokoyama, Professor, Notre Dame Seishin University, Japan
Relations between Japan & Kingdom of the Ryukyus: Roles of Ryukyuan Envoys

Dr. Gregory Smits, Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Ryukyu and its Geo-cultural Context

Dr. John Szostak, Associate Professor, UHM Art Department & Mr. Travis Seifman, PhD student, University of California Santa Barbara
Views of Ryukyu: Paintings and Prints in the Hamilton Library Collection