The Fourth International Indigenous Librarians' Forum was held Sept. 12-13th, 2005 (open to non-Indigenous participants) and Sept. 14-17th, 2005 (open to Indigenous peoples only) in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
The host was the Saskatchewan Indigenous Peoples Committee and the year's theme was 'The Keepers of Knowledge'. Ninety-six delegates came from across Canada, Nunavut, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Australia, and the United States. These delegates discussed and revised the manifesto from the Third International Indigenous Librarians' Forum and developed steps for an action plan, which is as follows:
Delegates to the 4th International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum will contribute their energies to the following efforts over the next two years.
They will develop a Forum planning document to assist planners of future International Indigenous Librarians’ Forums.
They will develop a strategy for continuing to include indigenous information workers from around the world in Forum gatherings.
They will collaborate with International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ (IFLA) initiatives related to indigenous information services.
They will take steps to document the history of the International Indigenous Librarians Forum.
They will work to review and, if appropriate, revise the initial documents arising from previous Forums, including the Vision, Goals, and Manifesto.
Ivey, R. "4th International Indigenous Librarians' Forum (IILF), Regina, Canada, 2005". TRW Pānui. Dec. 2005.
An archival hardcopy of the 2005 website can be found here.
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