The Ninth International Indigenous Librarians' Forum was held August 4-7, 2015 at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The Forum was hosted by the University of Manitoba and led by co-chair Camille Callison of the Tahltan First Nation in Northern B.C. and their council of Elders, including co-chair David Courchene, Jr. The theme was Anikoo Gaagige Ganawendaasowin.
"As Keepers of Knowledge that came from the Creator and that we are tied to our mothers through the umbilical cord, it is the responsibility of each child to pass down this knowledge from one generation to the next generation. In Anishnabe the words; aniko means to “extend,” gaagige means “eternal,” and gaanawendaasowin means “keeper.”"
Roy, L. "Celebrating Indigenous Cultures: A report from the Ninth International Indigenous Librarians' Forum", August 12, 2015. Originally posted on American Libraries Magazine.
Dupont, S. "The 9th International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum: Anikoo Gaagige Ganawendaasowin" - originally posted on BCLAConnect.
Waite, R. "9th International Indigenous Librarians' Forum" - originally posted on
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