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HIST481: Histories of Oceania I: Need Help?

Accessing the Collections

Since the Hawaiian and Pacific Collections are closed stacks, you will need to find and request materials using the discovery layer, OneSearch.

Step-by-step instructions on how to request material are here:

Materials are listed with the following locations: UH Mānoa HP Hawaiian or UH Mānoa HP Pacific. Paging service is available when the department is open. Materials are ready to pick up 10-15 minutes after submitting requests. Materials will be held for you at the circulation counter in our Reading Room for 3 days (and up to 7 days upon request). Present your UH ID/Community Card and/or a photo ID when picking up materials. Library-use only materials will be charged to your account for room-use only and must be returned 5 minutes prior to closing. Non library-use only materials will be charged to your account for a two week loan if you have borrowing privileges. Selected heavily used books and current issues of popular newspapers and periodicals are in the Reading Room. Copies of many Hawaiian and Pacific materials are also available in the general collection of Hamilton Library. Audiovisual materials are located in the audiovisual center at Sinclair Library. Microfilms are located in the Hamilton microforms room. Finding aids for archival and manuscript collections are available at the reference desk. 

Find a Subject Librarian

If you're not sure who to ask, you can always check in on Hamilton Library's "Ask a Librarian" page, where you'll find contact info and subject specialization information for all librarians, as well as an online help request form and our main chat reference service: