Agencies usually publish current planning documents on their local district web sites. However, previously issued documents may not be available. Use a search engine to find planning documents related to a particular project or site.
Here are some additional databases:
The Hawai`i Environmental Review Program (ERP) maintains an online library of EAs and EISs for projects in Hawai`i. Be aware that the library does not include all EAs or EISs produced in the state. The EA-EIS Online Library comprises the following general areas:
The ERP has not completed a check of each document against past issues of the periodic bulletin required by Section 343-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes (a.k.a., Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) Bulletin, Office of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC Bulletin), or The Environmental Notice (present name), so there may be some documents missing.
In addition to the EA-EIS Online Library there are several other folders that may assist the researcher in understanding the Hawai`i state environmental review process. These include:
the Environmental Notice; preparation of Hawaii Environmental Policy Act Documents, and miscellaneous documents.
(Above information provided by the ERP).