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Political Science

Indigenous Politics Specialization

United Nations for Indigenous Peoples

Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Search by Domain

Common Domain Names

.edu = U.S. educational institutions

.gov = U.S. government

.org =  usually non-profit organization, but anyone can use it

.mil = U.S. military

.museum = museums

.net = networks, but anyone can use it

Google: site: .gov “Native American “”test scores”

Bing: site: .org “Native American” “school lunch programs”

Google: site: .edu “Native American” ”school lunch programs”


Search by Organization Site

Think about what particular organization might study your issue. For example, if you are interested in examining Native Hawai'ian student performance on standardized exams, you might search the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa’s site, or Kamehameha Schools, or the State of Hawai'i’s Department of Education.

  • First get the organization’s URL.
  • Google: Hawaii department education
  • Identify the DOE’s website =
  • Google site: “native Hawaiians” “standardized test scores”
  • Google: “native Hawaiians” “standardized test scores”
  • Bing: “native Hawaiians” “standardized test scores”


Search by Tribal Government Site or Tribe Site

If you are researching, say, gaming and the Navajo Tribe, you can search their tribal website.

  • Google: Navajo government
  • Identify their government website which is:
  • Google: gaming


Search by the Colonial Government Site

If you are researching, say, the Sami people, you can search their colonial government website. The Sami live in Sweden.

  • Google: government Sweden
  • Identify their government website which is:
  • Google: sami education


Search Social Media

If you would like both the official and unofficial representation, try social media. This will lead you to primary sources. For example, if you are examining the movement to protect Mauna Kea, you can

  • Bing: mauna kea protectors

Alternatively, you can search by the terms thirty meter telescope protests

  • Google: thirty meter protests
  • Google: thirty meter telescope protests