September 1 - October 31, 2018
UHM Hamilton Library 1st FL Elevator Gallery
Nisei Linguists and the Post-WWII Occupation of Japan: The Stanley Kaizawa Collection @ UHM Asia Collection
The idea for the exhibit grew out of the Asia Collection's three-year Stanley Kaizawa Collection Digitization Project. The exhibit is focused on three topics: (1) Stanley Y. Kaizawa, as an individual who was one of the “Nisei Linguists” that graduated from the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) and served as a censor in the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD), (2) MISLS history, and (3) the work and lives of the CCD censors during the Occupation of Japan. The curator, Tokiko Bazzell, hopes that the exhibit will give viewers an appreciation of the intended and unintended consequences of the war and its effect on the lives of those involved on both sides. See the International Symposium Announcement