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Japanese-American Diaspora Seminars: Announcement

Academic lecture & seminars regarding Japanese-American immigrant diaspora.

Pineapple Growers, Women Pioneers, and Imperial Adventurers 
--- New Perspectives on Overseas Japanese in the History of Hawaii and the Pacific ---

schedule   abstracts   speaker profiles 
Inspired by increasingly robust transnational and interdisciplinary studies in academia, this two-day seminar examines the history of Japanese diaspora in the Pacific where cross-border movements of peoples, ideas, and objects that linked Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan, Hawai‘i, and the United States. The seminar draws upon insights available in the disciplines of History, Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, and Asian Studies and showcases rare historical documents that are deposited in archives in Hawai‘i,  Taiwan, the mainland US, and other locations.   The first segment of the seminar (a public lecture on September 4) features two speakers: Eiichiro Azuma, a Professor of History and Asian American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and Mire Koikari, a Professor of Women’s Studies at the University of Hawai‘i.   The second segment of the seminar (a workshop on September 6) provides a forum in which Yuma Totani, a Professor of Modern Japanese History at the University of Hawai‘i, will facilitate discussions. Participants will think about the challenges of applying transnational and interdisciplinary perspectives, consider the significance of gender, race, indigeneity, immigration, and empire as analytical categories, and develop innovative analytical approaches to the use of archival resources for historical research.