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Game Design, Gamification: Home

Books on the GRE

Print Books

The Fun of Motivation : Crossing the Threshold Concepts, by Mary Francis

Games in Libraries : Essays on Using Play to Connect and Instruct, edited by Breanne A. Kirsch

The Gamification of Learning and Instruction : Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education, by Karl M. Kapp

The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook : Ideas Into Practice, by Karl M. Kapp, Lucas Blair, Rich Mesch

Electronic Books (login will be required)

Advanced Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript, by Rex van der Spuy

Creating e-Learning Games With Unity : Develop Your Own 3D e-Learning Game Using Gamification, Systems Design, and Gameplay Programming Techniques

Gamification : a Practical Guide for Librarians by Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco

Gamification for Human Factors Integration : Social, Education, and Psychological Issues, edited by Jonathan Bishop

Gamification in Education : Breakthroughs in Research and Practice by Information Resources Management Association, editor

Gamification in Learning and Education : Enjoy Learning Like Gaming by Sangkyun Kim, Kibong Song, Barbara Lockee, John Burton

The Gamification of Learning and Enstruction : Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education by Karl Kapp​

Gamification : Using Game Elements in Serious Contexts, edited by Stefan Stieglitz, et al.

The Multiplayer Classroom: Designing Coursework As a Game by Lee Sheldon

Serious Game Design and Development : Technologies for Training and Learning, edited by Jan Cannon-Bowers, Clint Bowers

Other Resources

Wikipedia article on Gamification

Try searching in ERIC, the Education Resources Information Center from the Federal Department of Education