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HIST 296: World War II and the Making of Modern Asia/Pacific - OKINAWA


World War II directly and majorly impacted Okinawa during the Battle of Okinawa -- the sole land battle in Japan that involved civilians -- with its mass destruction and loss of life. It led to its occupation under the United States for 27 years. However, the effects of the war cannot just be attributed to American influence during the Occupation. Some of the effects of the war that continue to exist even now stem from Japan's policymaking, impacting life in Okinawa in many different aspects (social, political, economical, environmental, and cultural).

This guide looks at the effects of World War II on Okinawa in four stages. It begins with the Battle of Okinawa, then examines postwar Okinawa during its occupation under the United States, followed by its reversion back to Japan and, finally, reviews contemporary Okinawa in its post-reversion and what it is today. The selections include items from Okinawan, American, and Japanese perspectives.

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Lynette Teruya
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Hamilton Library / Asia Collection
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822
Subjects: Okinawa