Guide created by Phuong Nguyen, UH Hamilton SciTech Intern, Spring 2021
Welcome to UH at Mānoa Library's Libguide on BrowZine and LibKey Nomad
BrowZine and Libkey Nomad are products of Third Iron that are now available for UH Mānoa users. Both of the products can streamline, facilitate, and ease your research process as you browse and locate journals and articles. BrowZine allows you to create a personalized collection of journals that you can easily browse, while LibKey Nomad allows you to have quick one button access to full text through the library on many websites through a browser plugin.
Use the navigation menu on the left to access information on the BrowZine and Libkey Nomad such as installing and using the products.
The BrowZine section will discuss:
The LibKey Nomad section will discuss:
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