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Championing cutting-edge 21st century mentoring and learning models and approaches edited by Patricia McLaughlin
Mentoring Processes in Higher Education by DeAnna Laverick
Maximum mentoring: An action guide for teacher trainers and cooperating teachers by Gwen Rudney
Women of color navigating mentoring relationships: critical examinations by Keisha Edwards Tassie
Website: Mentoring resources from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Mentoring undergraduate students by Gloria Crisp
Mentoring at-risk students through the hidden curriculum of higher education by Buffy Smith
Entering Research : A Curriculum to Support Undergraduate and Graduate Research Trainees by Janet Branchaw (one-user license only)
Successful STEM Mentoring Initiatives for Underrepresented Students: A Research-Based Guide for Faculty and Administrators by Becky Wai-Ling Packard
Undergraduate curricular peer mentoring programs: Perspectives on innovation by faculty, staff, and students by Tania Smith
Teachers As Mentors: Models for Promoting Achievement with Disadvantaged and Underrepresented Students by Creating Community by Aram Ayalon
Entering Research : A Curriculum to Support Undergraduate and Graduate Research Trainees by Janet Branchaw (one-user license only)
Website: Faculty Mentoring Program from the Center for Teaching Excellence
Modeling Mentoring Across Race/Ethnicity and Gender: Practices to Cultivate the Next Generation of Diverse Faculty by Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner
Mentoring As Transformative Practice: New Directions for Higher Education, Number 171 by Carolin Turner