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Chinese Online Dictionaries/Encyclopedias

Online Chinese Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

漢典: Includes over eighty thousand Chinese characters and two hundred thousand words

林語堂當代漢英詞典 Lin Yutang's Chinese English Dictionary of Modern Usage (by Chinese University of Hong Kong)

粤語審音配詞字庫 Chinese Character Database: With Word-formations Phonologically Disambiguated According to the Cantonese Dialect (by Chinese University of Hong Kong)

臺灣教育部線上電子辭典: contains 國語辭典簡編本重編國語辭典修訂本異體字字典成語典臺灣台語常用詞辭典臺灣客語辭典臺灣原住民族歷史語言文化大辭典. Chinese Characters and Culture

中文大辭典(缐上版): The Encyclopedia Dictionary of the Chinese Language . 中國文化大學

臺灣生命大百科 (中研院): Encyclopedia of Life (Taiwan)

電子佛教辭典 Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

原住民族族語綫上詞典 sixteen indigenous language dictionaries have been completed as of Oct. 2024

Reference Books at 4th Floor of Asia Collection -- A Selected List

Berkshire encyclopedia of China : modern and historic views of the world's newest and oldest global power. Great Barrington, MA : Berkshire Pub. Group, c2009.
DS735.A2 B47 2009 (5 volumes)
Brill's encyclopedia of China. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2009.
DS755 .B86 2009 
The Cambridge history of China. New York : Cambridge University Press, 1978-
DS735 .C3145
China Encyclopedia. [Beijing] : China Intercontinental Press, 2008.
DS705 .Z44413 2008 
China today : an encyclopedia of life in the People's Republic. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2005.
DS777.6 .C458 2005 (2 volumes)
Dillion, Michael. China : a historical and cultural dictionary. Richmond, Surrey : Curzon, 1998.
DS733 .C58523 1998 
Dillon, Michael. Dictionary of Chinese history. London : F. Cass, 1979.
DS733 .D55 1979 
Encyclopedia of China : the essential reference to China, its history and culture. New York : Facts on File, c1999.
DS705 .P47 1999 
Encyclopedia of contemporary Chinese culture. London ; New York : Routledge, 2005.
DS779.23 .E53 2005
Encyclopedia of modern China. Farmington Hills, MI : Charles Scribner's Sons/Gale Cengage Learning, c2009.
DS755 .E63 2009 (4 volumes)
Zhonghua bai ke quan shu 中華百科全書. 臺北市陽明山華崗 :中國文化大學出版部, 1981-1983 (also available online)
AE17 .C568 1981 (10 volumes)


China Studies

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