Telephone: 202-606-1800 (general inquiries); 888-767-6738 (retirement)
Submit a question (general inquiries):
Submit a question (retirement):
Postal mail: U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415-1000
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) was established in 1978. It took on many of the functions of the Civil Service Commission. OPM handles the federal merit system for personnel, including hiring, pay, promotion, health and retirement benefits.
Government Documents has a partial collection of OPM publications. Included are:
The Government Documents collection has a number of congressional hearings, reports, and documents concerning federal personnel issues. You can search for these in ProQuest Congressional and U.S. Congressional Serial Set. Please ask a librarian for assistance in locating the hearings, reports, and documents in our collection.