In order to save a search query, you need to register an account with Web of Science and use Web of Science while signed in to that account. Searches will automatically be saved in History. To create a search Alert, or to access saved searches and search history, simply click on History at the top of the Web of Science page.
After clicking on History, use the Alert icon to set up and receive automatic alerts when Web of Science updates their database and new resources are available that are relevant to your search query. You will be asked to name the Alert, and also can select to have the Alert emailed to you.
Once the Alert is successfully created, use the Manage Alerts feature that appears in the next window to designate Alert preferences such as frequency of alerts or to add multiple emails to the recipients list. Alert settings can also be managed by clicking Alerts at the top of the database next to History.
If you are researching a topic and find a highly relevant article, you may want to be alerted when articles are published that cite that work. To create a citation alert go into the full record of the article. Select "Create citation alert."
Once you have created a citation alert, use Manage alerts, and Alerts at the top of the page to change the alert preferences, add email recipients, or remove the alert.
EndNote is a citation or reference management tool you can use to keep track of articles you are using for your research.
Web of Science and EndNote are owned by the same company, so the Web of Science interface acts as the entry point to EndNote Basic. If you already have an EndNote Basic account, you can use the same log in information as your Web of Science account, and vice versa.
**Please Note: you have access to use EndNote Basic free of charge as long as you are a registered student at UHM. As soon as you graduate or leave the university your EndNote Basic account will be disabled.
To learn more about EndNote Basic, check out our LibGuide: EndNote Basic LibGuide
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