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The Map Collection focuses on Hawaiʻi, Asia, and the Pacific. Many maps have been digitized and are available from this site and we provide links to other collections of digitized maps. We are in the process of scanning most of the rest of the print map collection. You can view some of the maps in our Digital Repository. We also have an ArcGIS Online page featuring selected maps, aerial photos, storymaps, and projects. You can search for maps in the library's OneSearch (Advanced Search mode) filtering by "Maps" in Resource/Material Type and by "eVols" in Data Source. Please use the Hawaii, Worldwide, and Special Collection sections of this guide for links to maps resources in our collection and at other institutions.

Map of the Russian Empire 1782,
Map, Carte des Isles Kouriles 1768
Map, Carte de la Georgie 1775
Map, Carte de la Siberie 1747
Map, 1780, Carte du Kamtchatka
Map, 1705, Carte nouvelle de la Grande_Tartari
Map, 1665, Cimmeria
Map, 1679, Estats du Czar
Map, 1780, L'Empire de Russie
Map, 1704, Nouvelle Carte de L'Empire de Russie
Map, 1705, Nouvelle Carte de Moscovie
Map, 1780, Russian Empire in Asia
Map, 1757, Suite de la Carte de la Siberie
Map, 1738, The Second Sheet of Chinese Tartary
Map, 1738, The Tenth Sheet of Chinese Tartary


The Map Collection is located within the Government Documents and Maps Department on the ground floor of Hamilton Library.


The Map Collection is a closed collection. The staff will help you identify and retrieve maps for your use in the Library (maps cannot be charged out). We have many maps in our collection that are not in the Library Catalog, so please allow us to assist you in finding maps to meet your needs.

Please make an appointment by sending an e-mail to Map reference assistance may not be available to walk-ins.