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We aspire to provide comprehensive coverage of Hawaiʻi. In addition to contemporary maps, we have a large collection of historical maps. Nevertheless, it is impossible for one organization to have all the maps, therefore, it is customary to rely on many agencies and collections in Hawaiʻi and beyond. If you do not find what you need in our digital and map collections, consult the links we provide to other collections. If you have questions about our holdings, please contact MAGIS staff.

Map, Hawaii, 1901
Map, Hawaii, 1886
Map, Hawaii, 1928c
Map, Hawaii 1928
Map, Kahoolawe 1906
Map, Kauai 1901
Map, Kauai 1903
Map, Lanai 1878
Map, Maui 1885
Map, Maui 1829
Map, Molokai 1897 (1:90,000)
Map, Molokai 1897 (1:60,000)
Map, Oahu 1902
Map, Oahu 1881

Historical Maps

Hawaiʻi Government and Territory Survey, and Other Historical Maps, 1885-1904

The maps below are some of the most frequently requested historical maps of the principal islands of Hawaiʻi. Click on the View column to view or download a map. Click on the Preview column to interact with a georeferenced version of a map. Georeferenced TIFF versions of most of the maps are available to download by clicking on the Zipped TIFF file. To view basic metadata for these georeferenced maps, download the companion spreadsheet.

Island Author Year View Preview Georeferenced Zipped TIFF
Hawaii Donn, Alexander, Wall 1901 (258 MB)
Hawaii Wall, Alexander 1886 (204 MB)
Hawaii Iao, Wall 1928 (150 MB)
Hawaii [color] Iao, Wall 1928 (157 MB)
Kahoolawe Wall 1906  
Kauai Donn, Wall 1903 (180 MB)
Kauai Newton 1901 (182 MB)
Lanai Alexander, Brown, and Monsarrat 1878 (337 MB)
Lanai Wall, Brown, Monsarrat, Newton 1878 (118 MB)
Maui Dodge, Alexander 1885 (403 MB)
Maui Iao, Wall 1929 (501 MB)
Molokai [1:60,000] Dodge, Willis, Kanakanui, Alexander 1897 (260 MB)
Molokai [1:90,000] Dodge, Willis, Kanakanui, Alexander 1897 (211 MB)
Niihau Kerns, Wall 1904 (174 MB)
Oahu Donn, Wall 1902  (324 MB)
Oahu Lyons, Covington 1881  (210 MB)
See also: Hawaiʻi Topographic Maps.


State Land Survey Office

  • State of Hawaiʻi Land Survey Map Search
    Search for File Plans, Government Survey Registered Maps, Hawaiʻi State Survey/Hawaiʻi Territorial Survey registered maps, plat maps, Hawaiian Home Lands plat maps, and more. Consult the indexes to determine map number. Many maps provided in both PDF and TIFF formats.
    • Registered Map search (beta - alternative to Land Survey Office Registered Map Search)
      Status: 1,335 of the roughly 3,200 Registered Maps are available to search, view, and download through MAGIS.
  • State Land Survey Miscellaneous Maps
    Arranged by island. May include homestead, fish ponds, plantations, ahupuaʻa, and various other historic maps in PDF format.
  • State Land Survey Honolulu Historical Maps
    Maps dating from 1897 to 1950 may be downloaded in PDF format.

State Land Survey Office

  • State of Hawaiʻi Land Survey Map Search
    Search for File Plans, Government Survey Registered Maps, Hawaiʻi State Survey/Hawaiʻi Territorial Survey registered maps, plat maps, Hawaiian Home Lands plat maps, and more. Consult the indexes to determine map number. Many maps provided in both PDF and TIFF formats.
    • Registered Map search (beta - alternative to Land Survey Office Registered Map Search)
      Status: 1,335 of the roughly 3,200 Registered Maps are available to search, view, and download through MAGIS.
  • State Land Survey Miscellaneous Maps
    Arranged by island. May include homestead, fish ponds, plantations, ahupuaʻa, and various other historic maps in PDF format.
  • State Land Survey Honolulu Historical Maps
    Maps dating from 1897 to 1950 may be downloaded in PDF format.

City, Town, and Area Maps

Unless otherwise indicated by "via ...", maps are from the UH Library Map Collection's digital repository. Includes city and town maps, road maps, and other large-scale maps. Also check out named quadrangles, such as "Honolulu," from topographic sets throughout the decades and fire insurance maps of various areas.




Pearl Harbor

Island Maps

Unless otherwise indicated with "via ...", maps are in the UH Library Map Collection's digital repository. Includes whole island maps.

Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii Island

Kahoolawe Island

Kauai Island

Lanai Island

Maui Island

Molokai Island

Niihau Island

Oahu Island

Fire Insurance Maps

We have different versions of these important historical maps which show building and street information for towns and cities at a large scale. The Hawaiʻi State Archives may have some maps that we do not. Consult the Union List of Sanborn & Other Fire Insurance Maps, Hawaiʻi (by Riley Moffat, revised by Philip Hoehn) for an inventory and indications where various Hawaiʻi sets may be held. The Library of Congress has one of the largest collections of Sanborn Maps with detailed explanation of the history and use of the maps. Several other sources provide useful information for reading and interpreting Sanborn maps:

Many of the Hawaii sets have been digitized and are available below:

Multiple Islands

Other Historical Maps and Data about Hawaiʻi

  • AVA Konohiki
    Digitized land records and maps, with focus on documents that were written and produced in the 1840s and 1850s, when lands in Hawaiʻi first went into private ownership.
  • Congressional Serials Set Maps (1817-1980) (UHM login required)
    Click on Newsbank Readex, then Serial Set Maps. Once logged in the Serial Set Maps database, click on Map Locations, then Hawaiʻi. Approximately 145 locations with over 500 maps. "Maps range from the great atlases to small individual maps clarifying very specific land questions, to great triangulation surveys, to the repetitive weekly weather maps, to the maps that made history as well as the maps of past history and to the purely serendipitous."
  • Early mapping of Hawaiʻi (online access)
    Three volumes providing a complete history of the early mapping and surveying of Hawaiʻi. Many rare maps are reproduced in these publications.
  • Hawaiian Land Divisions (Island Breath)
    Moku and ahupuaʻa divisions in several downloadable digital formats for each of 8 major islands.
  • Kipuka Database - Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA)
    A geographical information system (GIS) that provides maps about native Hawaiian land, culture and history. Kipuka links historic data sets to geographic locations. The foundation of Kipuka is the traditional land system, mokupuni divided into moku, ahupuaʻa, ʻili, and kuleana. Also search in the Papakilo Database (OHA) for historical data and information on cultural sites and land.
  • Old Maps Online
    An gateway to historical maps in libraries around the world. It allows the user to search for online digital historical maps across numerous different collections via a geographical search. Contains dozens of historical Hawaiʻi maps.

Topographic Maps

Use the indexes below to access Hawaii topographic sets. Most sets were produced by the U.S. Geological Survey, while others were produced by the U.S. Army and the Land Study Bureau (Hawaii). The scales range from 1:20,000 to 1:50,000.

Digital Maps

Printed Maps

  • The Map Collection holds printed topographic maps of Hawaiʻi at various scales — 1:24,000, 1:31,680, 1:62,500, 1:100,000, and 1:250,000. All editions for Hawaiʻi are retained. Please contact MAGIS staff for questions about topographic maps we have not digitized.

Thematic Maps



  • Campus Arboretum (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
    The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa campus has an amazing collection of plants. Think of the university environment as a botanical garden. There are more than 6000 plants in over 700 species, some of which are represented by numerous distinct varieties. For more information, visit the Campus Arboretum website.
  • Harold L. Lyon Arboretum Interactive Map of the Grounds and Living Plant Collection (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
    Lyon Arboretum is part of the University of Hawaiʻi and a public botanical garden. The arboretum has over seven miles of hiking trails and boasts more than 6,000 taxa of tropical and sub-tropical plants on our nearly 200 acres. It is our goal to make the living collection a valuable research tool and give our visitors a new way to interact with our unique collection of plants from all over the world. This map is a work in progress, and it will be updated regularly to reflect the addition of new and existing accessions and associated data.


  • Honolulu Police Department Crime Map (HPD map overview/statistics)
    The crime-type categories include: Arson, Assault, Burglary, Disturbing the Peace, Drugs / Alcohol Violations, DUI, Fraud, Homicide, Motor Vehicle Theft, Robbery, Sex Crimes, Theft / Larceny, Vandalism, Vehicle Break-In / Theft, Weapons.



  • AirNow, Interactive Map of Air Quality (Environmental Protection Agency)
    Every day the Air Quality Index (AQI) tells you how clean or polluted your outdoor air is, along with associated health effects that may be of concern. The AQI translates air quality data into numbers and colors that help people understand when to take action to protect their health. Consult AirNow's Homepage and About page for more information.
  • Air Quality Map (PurpleAir)
    The PurpleAir Map displays the points using the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality Index (AQI) scale. PurpleAir is a grassroots group (LLC) with a technical background that wanted to measure the pollution coming from a mining operation. The website and map was started in November 2015. Sharing the data and research with others created a need for more monitors, to expand the network and to test the sensors by collocating them with other monitors.
  • AirVisual Earth and AirVisual Map (IQAir)
    AirVisual was founded in 2015 and now part of IQAir. AirVisual provides an air pollution app and free access to their air quality database, spanning 10000+ locations globally. The app and AirVisual website offer a 7-day pollution forecast.
  • EnviroAtlas (Environmental Protection Agency - Guide)
    EnviroAtlas interactive tools allow users to discover, analyze, and download data and maps related to ecosystem services, or the benefits people receive from nature.  Ecosystem services underpin most aspects of human well-being, including water, security, and the economy. 
  • EWG (Environmental Working Group) Maps
    The Environmental Working Group is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment. EWG provides reports, online databases, mobile apps and communications campaigns to help consumers to make safer and more informed decisions about potentially dangerous chemical ingredients, the products they buy, and the companies they support. 
  • Find a Redemption Center (Hawaii Deposit Beverage Container Program)
  • Oahu Composting Map (by Hans Kern)


  • Global Fishing Watch Map
    SkyTruth is the operator and lead developer of Global Fishing Watch, a partnership with Oceana and Google to map all of the trackable commercial fishing activity in the world, in near-real time, and make it accessible to researchers, regulators, decision-makers, and the public. Using cloud computing, machine-learning, and vessel location data picked up by satellite, SkyTruth has developed a tool that will encourage transparency and scientific research. Global Fishing Watch was launched in Washington, DC, in September, 2016 and is now freely available to everyone with an internet connection. Learn more about the Global Fishing Watch project at the links below:

Flood Maps

  • FEMA Flood Map Service Center
    Current and historical flood maps for Hawaiʻi, Honolulu, Kauaʻi, and Maui Counties. The FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) is the official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
  • FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer (kmz layer for use with Google Earth)
    Download the latest "Stay Dry" or "FEMA NFHL" kmz files and open using Google Earth. The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) dataset represents the current effective flood data for the country, where maps have been modernized. It is a compilation of effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) databases and Letters of Map Change (LOMCs). The NFHL is updated as studies go effective.



  • Global Hazards Atlas (Pacific Disaster Center)
    Provides access to the PDC's DisasterAWAREsystem's trustworthy near real-time and historical data on natural hazards around the globe—including tropical cyclones, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, wildfires, and more.
  • Natural Hazards Viewer - Tsunamis, Earthquakes, and volcanoes (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information)
    NCEI and the co-located World Data Service for Geophysics compile a unique set of tsunami-related products as part of a continuing program to support the interests of tsunami warning centers, engineers, oceanographers, seismologists, and the general public



  • Campus Arboretum (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
    The Campus Arboretum map is a layer within the Campus Map system (Under "Explore UH Manoa" sidebar, select Campus Arboretum). The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa campus has an amazing collection of plants. Think of the university environment as a botanical garden. There are more than 6000 plants in over 700 species, some of which are represented by numerous distinct varieties. For more information, visit the Campus Arboretum website.
  • Harold L. Lyon Arboretum Interactive Map of the Grounds and Living Plant Collection (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
    Lyon Arboretum is part of the University of Hawaiʻi and a public botanical garden. The arboretum has over seven miles of hiking trails and boasts more than 6,000 taxa of tropical and sub-tropical plants on our nearly 200 acres. It is our goal to make the living collection a valuable research tool and give our visitors a new way to interact with our unique collection of plants from all over the world. This map is a work in progress, and it will be updated regularly to reflect the addition of new and existing accessions and associated data.

Property Search (TMK maps)

Rainfall and Watersheds


Trail and Hiking

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa