A book based on oral narrative material recorded by John Muggridge Orsmond. Its collection of oral records includes legends and chants that were told by priests, bards and other natives of Tahiti. Orsmond passed away before finishing the work so his granddaughter, Teuira, translated his recordings into book form.
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Explores how the female Akua have inspired Hawaiian women, including the Mōʻīwahine of various islands, Aliʻiwahine and strong female leaders of today.
A compilation of Polynesian stories, mythology and legends that were consolidated from books and articles within the Polynesian triangle. An online copy available here for UHM affiliates.
This publication is based on new fieldwork carried out on the island of Huahine, French Polynesia, in the years 2001- 2004. The aim of the project was to establish a chronological framework of the marae structures mainly on the island of Huahine in the Leeward Society Islands. However dating was also conducted on earlier collected charcoal from excavated marae structures on the Windward Islands. Other questions addressed were how the marae structures were located in the landscape, as well as aspects of their extended uses and modern changes.