The index was originally created by Japanese researchers when the DVDs were created. With the publisher’s permission, the UHM Library converted them to the streaming service for the UH System research community. English translations and approximate time signatures were then added by the Japan Studies Librarian for easy access. A valid UH ID & Password are required to access the Streaming Service. Primo Record
No. 1 金塊の引き渡し (Gold Shipment to France from Osaka)
Filming date: January 25, 1950 (昭和25年)
Filming Place: Osaka Bay, Osaka 大阪府、大阪港
No. 2 通信部隊の年次監査 (Annual Inspection of the Signal Corps by Major General Spencer Akin) 6:17
Filming date: April 9, 1950 (昭和25年)
Filming Place: Asaka, Saitama 埼玉県朝霞
No. 3 小部隊の戦闘訓練 (Combat Training of Platoon) 8:53
Filming date: April 27, 1950 (昭和25年)
Filming Place: Somahara, Gunma 群馬県相馬原
No. 4 米第8軍創設記念日式典 (Commemorative Parade for the 8th Cavalry Regiment) 12:35
Filming date: May 20, 1950 (昭和25年)
Filming Place: Imperial Palace, Tokyo 東京都、皇居前広場
No. 5 本格的な上陸演習 (Landing Exercises) 17:25
Filming date: May 24, 1950 (昭和25年)
Filming Place: Chigasaki, Kanagawa 神奈川県茅ケ崎
No. 6 米陸軍士官候補生、来日 (Arrival of New Military Cadets) 23:44
Filming date: June 25 & 27, 1950 (昭和25年)
Filming Place: Haneda Airport, Tokyo, Chigasaki, Kanagawa 東京都、羽田飛行場、神奈川県茅ケ崎
No. 7 米州知事、部隊訪問 (Governor of California, Earl Warren’s Visit) 27:45
Filming date: 1950 (昭和25年)
Filming Place: Yamato, Miyagi 宮城県大和
No. 1 WAC創設9周年 (9th Anniversary of Establishment of Women's Army Corps [WAC])
Filming date: February 14, May 14, 1951 (昭和26年)
Filming Place: Tokyo 東京都
General Matthew Bunker Ridgway's address with audio 26:40
No. 2 戦時下の復活祭 (Easter during Occupation of Japan) 32:16
Filming date: February 23, 1951 (昭和26年)
Filming Place: Nagata-cho, Tokyo 東京都永田町
No. 3 将官の退役式(Major General George I. Back's Retirement Ceremony at Camp Drake) 39:29
Filming date: May 7, 1951 (昭和26年)
Filming Place: Asaka, Saitama 埼玉県朝霞
No. 4 皇居前広場での叙勲式 (Conferment Ceremony at the Imperial Palace Ground) 40:15
Filming date: May 1, 1951 (昭和26年)
Filming Place: Imperial Palace, Tokyo 東京都、皇居前広場
No. 1 メモリアルデー (Memorial Day)
Filming date: May 30, 1951 (昭和26年)
Filming Place: Imperial Palace, Tokyo 東京都、皇居前広場
No. 2 米軍専用列車の運行 (Transportation Train of Goods) 11:13
Filming date: October 8, 1951 (昭和26年)
Filming Place: Niigata, Nagano 新潟県、長野県
No. 3 水耕農場の収穫 (Harvest from Hydroponic Farm) 21:20
Filming date: May 21, 1952 (昭和27年)
Filming Place: Chofu, Tokyo 東京都調布、US Military
No. 4 米軍に学ぶ日本警察 (Investigation Technique Training of Japanese Police by the US Military Police & Criminal Investigation Department) 40:06
Filming date: September 29, 1952 (昭和27年)
Filming Place: Tokyo 東京都