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New Nursing Student Orientation: Aloha!

How the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library can help nursing students survive and thrive!

Welcome the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library!

Source: NIH Image Bank


Here, you will be oriented to the resources and services available to help you succeed as a nursing student.

This orientation follows Samantha Student as she uses the Library to complete a couple of nursing class assignments.

This orientation is not comprehensive; it does not include all of the Library's resources and services that are relevant to your studies.

If you need assistance, please contact Carolyn, the nursing librarian, to arrange an individual consultation.

I have an assignment. What do I do?

During the first week of the semester, Samantha Student reviews the following assignment posted to her class's Laulima site:

Select any type of nursing research article that interests you (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed). Post your answers to the following questions in the forum section of the class's Laulima sight. Post a response to one of your classmates.

  1. Briefly describe the type of nursing research (such as quasi-experimental, focus group, phenomenological, etc.). Use as many descriptors as you can from what we have been studying.
  2. State the problem/purpose/hypotheses of the study.
  3. What measures have been taken to protect human subjects/participants? Is IRB approval noted in the article? Was informed consent obtained from the subjects/participants. Consider any ethical issues that may arise while reading the article.
  4. Provide an APA reference. Use citations where indicated in answering the questions.

Samantha does not have to panic because the professor reminded the class that they could get assistance from the nursing librarian. Samantha emails Carolyn to schedule a consultation.

What does Carolyn tell her? Check out the rest of this orientation's pages for the answers.

Why can't I just use Google?

Google links you to anything and everything. Even with Google's Advanced Search, you may have difficulty identifying the best information for your assignments.

The Library, on the other hand, offers you access to the following:

  • Authoritative information, including articles from peer-reviewed journals
  • Databases with tools that allow you to limit searches to your specific parameters, like publication date, age group, and study type.
  • One-click access from databases to the actual journal articles

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Carolyn Dennison
Science & Technology Reference Department
Hamilton Library
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822