When looking for articles Hamilton Library has access to many subject specific and general databases. Below a select few have been identified as potentially useful for Communicology research.
NOTE: Often the full text of the article will be immediately accessible in the database you search. Sometimes, however, the database only provides a citation (article title, journal name, year, etc.) for the article. If you have only a citation, determine if the library has the journal that contains the article you want by following the steps to find journals (in the box to the right).
Databases identify and locate articles published in magazines, journals and newspapers. Many databases also index essays, book chapters and monographs.
Tip 1: Some of the databases provide full-text coverage of journals.
Tip 2: If the database does not provide full-text, use Find It or search the library catalog for the article title (or journal title). This will provide you with Hamilton's access to the article (in both print and electronic form).
Tip 3: For more precise searching, it is best to search the databases individually (rather than only using OneSearch).
When you have a citation to an article and need to determine if the library has the journal that contains it, search for the journal name
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