Library of Congress Classification
All M Call Numbers can be found on the 2nd floor of the Hamilton Library.
Here are some helpful subject headings to get you started on your search for miniature scores:
Specific miniature scores can also be searched with subject headings that combine the publisher information with the terms miniature scores and its corresponding number.
i.e., Eulenburg miniature scores ; no. 430
These digital scores suggestions are from some of the Research Guides at Central Michigan University, Harvard University, University of Hartford, and Yale University.
These digital scores suggestions are from some of the Research Guides at Central Michigan University, Harvard University, University of Hartford, and Yale University.
These digital scores suggestions are from some of the Research Guides at Central Michigan University, Harvard University, University of Hartford, and Yale University.
These digital scores suggestions are from some of the Research Guides at Central Michigan University, Harvard University, University of Hartford, and Yale University.
These digital scores suggestions are from some of the Research Guides at Central Michigan University, Harvard University, University of Hartford, and Yale University.
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