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Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Archives: Related Resources

How to access documents, photographs and other material from the records of the former Trust Territory Government (Micronesia).

Publications about the TTPI Archives

Maps and land documents - general

Trust Territory maps and land documents 1944-1977

Japanese maps and land documents 1919-1951
These records and descriptions of these records appear in various places and in both English and Japanese. Below is an attempt to clarify how they are related and how to access them.

Maps and land documents by TTPI district

Northern Mariana Islands District

These maps are part of a collection called "Land maps of Trust Territory districts and government structural drawings," dating from 1944-1977.
These maps are on microfiche (V00004) located in the microform area on the first floor of the UHM Hamilton Library.
To identify the map(s) relevant to you, please use the indexes described below. We are in the process of transcribing and combining the two PDF indexes, and when that is complete the resulting Excel file will be made available here.
Palau District

These maps are part of a collection called "Land maps of Trust Territory districts and government structural drawings," dating from 1944-1977.
These maps are on microfiche (V00004) located in the microform area on the first floor of the UHM Hamilton Library.
To identify the map(s) relevant to you, please use the indexes described below. We are in the process of transcribing and combining the two PDF indexes, and when that is complete the resulting Excel file will be made available here.
Yap District

These maps are part of a collection called "Land maps of Trust Territory districts and government structural drawings," dating from 1944-1977.
These maps are on microfiche (V00004) located in the microform area on the first floor of the UHM Hamilton Library.
To identify the map(s) relevant to you, please use the indexes described below. We are in the process of transcribing and combining the two PDF indexes, and when that is complete the resulting Excel file will be made available here.
Chuuk District

These maps are part of a collection called "Land maps of Trust Territory districts and government structural drawings," dating from 1944-1977.
These maps are on microfiche (V00004) located in the microform area on the first floor of the UHM Hamilton Library.
To identify the map(s) relevant to you, please use the indexes described below. We are in the process of transcribing and combining the two PDF indexes, and when that is complete the resulting Excel file will be made available here.
Pohnpei District

These maps are part of a collection called "Land maps of Trust Territory districts and government structural drawings," dating from 1944-1977.
These maps are on microfiche (V00004) located in the microform area on the first floor of the UHM Hamilton Library.
To identify the map(s) relevant to you, please use the indexes described below. We are in the process of transcribing and combining the two PDF indexes, and when that is complete the resulting Excel file will be made available here.
Marshall Islands District

These maps are part of a collection called "Land maps of Trust Territory districts and government structural drawings," dating from 1944-1977.
These maps are on microfiche (V00004) located in the microform area on the first floor of the UHM Hamilton Library.
The Marshall Islands district portion of the collection includes maps of the entire district, as well as maps of islands within the atolls of Ailinglaplap, Ailuk, Arno, Aur, Bikini, Ebon, Enewetak, Jaluit, Kwajalein, Lae, Likiep, Majuro, Maloelap, Mili, Namorik, Namu, Rongelap, Ujae, Ujelang, Utirik, Wotho, and Wotje, and Lib Island.
To identify the map(s) relevant to you, please use the indexes described below. The Excel file is likely the easiest to use, as it is arranged geographically and combines and matches the data from the two indexes on PDF. 

Clerk of Court Records

These records are indexed in the "Index to microfilmed materials" volume 2 pp. G-1 to G-186. 

A transcribed and a PDF version of these pages of the index are here below in 7 parts:

The actual records are found in in MICROFILMS D00001, D00002 and D00003, located in the microfilm room on the 1st floor of Hamilton library. The description of these films is split into the following three bibliographic records:

Trust Territory era digitzed photo collections

Print indexes to TTPI and related material

Here are the descriptions and locations of the material indexed in these volumes (if held by UHM):


Select publications about the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

Select publications by the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands