Databases and Journals
Databases – these are created to collect, index, and disseminate articles. These articles may be from newspapers, magazines, journals, or academic journals.
Journals – periodicals which publish academic articles, they contain works by experts in a field of study. Many are peer reviewed, some are not.
Journal articles - take months to publish, usually written by experts on a subject. Peer reviewed journal articles are those that have been reviewed by other experts on a subject, who give comments, advice, and editing before publication.
Magazine articles - written by journalists and published in a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis, they may take some time to write, but are usually about current events and ideas. Edited and may be fact checked.
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO Host)
Below is a video that describes the difference between an academic/scholarly/ journal article and a magazine.
The video was produced by librarians at Kapiolani Community College