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Trafficking and sexual exploitation of female refugees from North Korea

Korea HIST 291 Guide

Academic Writings

Peer-reviewed journals, dissertations, etc.


  • Kim, Yun, M., Park, M., & Williams, H. (2009). Cross border North Korean women trafficking and victimization between North Korea and China: An ethnographic case study. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 37(4), 154–169. /  ▶ Link to primo


  • García, A. B. M. (2019). Denouncing Human Trafficking in China: North Korean Women’s Memoirs as Evidence. State Crime Journal, 8(1), 59–79. ▶ Link to primo


  • Lankov. (2004). North Korean Refugees in Northeast China. Asian Survey, 44(6), 856–873.  Link to primo


  • Park. (2018). North Korean Migrants in China: A Case Study of Human Smuggling and Trafficking. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.1-354.  Link to primo


  • Kook. (2018). I Want to Be Trafficked so I Can Migrate!: Cross-Border Movement of North Koreans into China through Brokerage and Smuggling Networks. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 676(1), 114–134.  Link to primo