By Geography
If searching for the legends of a particular place, use the following subject headings and the name of the country/territory within the Voyager Subject tab.
By Deity
If looking for specific deities, try with keyword searching (playing with various spellings)
There are a few deities you can search for by subject search (see list below), but these appear to be limited to Polynesia/Hawaiʻi. However, most deities are mentioned within more general texts, so keyword searching is best in this case.
This online guide is primarily intended for students researching origin stories. If you are doing research on other Pacific-related topics, you might also find this guide useful.
You can also find a wealth of subject-specific online guides here.
Outlined below is an overview process meant to get you started on your search. Often the best search strategy for finding Hawaiʻi and Pacific related material follows these six steps, in this order:
1) Look through the various reference sources compiled about this topic;
2) Search Voyager (books and media);
3) Search the Hawaii-Pacific Journal Index (HPJI) (journal and magazine articles);
4) Search OneSearch (books, media, journal and magazine articles);
5) Search online news sources;
6) Search Google Scholar (articles)/Google books (books).
Note: This online guide is primarily intended for students researching origin stories. If you are doing research on other Pacific-related topics, you might also find this guide useful. You can also find a wealth of subject-specific online guides here.
Hawaii-Pacific Journal Index (HPJI) (for articles about Hawai'i and the Pacific)
News agregators are websites that gather news from a variety of other sources, or in some cases simply offer links directly to other news sources. They generally feature the major news stories of the Pacific and are therefore the best place to start for most basic news research. The best of the below is arguably the first link on the list, The Pacific Islands Report.
Google searches can provide good overviews, but remeber that they will not get you everything.
Google Scholar (searching for articles in scholarly journals)
Google Books (searching full text within a book)