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Hawaiʻi Congressional Papers Research

Everything you need to know about doing research in UH Mānoa Libraryʻs Hawaiʻi Congressional Papers Collection

How to find the UH Mānoa Archives & Manuscripts Reading Room

The Archives and Manuscripts reading room is located in Hamilton Library on the UH Mānoa campus (campus map). We are located on the 5th floor of the Hamilton Library addition. For more details, please consult the library floor plan.

You can find information about visitor parking options and rates from UH Commuter Services.

Hours of operation

The Archives and Manuscripts reading room hours can be found here.

What to expect when you visit us

Most of the material in archival collections exists nowhere else in the world, and is therefore irreplaceable if it is damaged or stolen. We have instituted procedures to keep these rare and fragile materials safe so that they will be accessible to researchers far into the future.

When you arrive, we will ask you to sign in, and to leave your bag in a locker outside the reading room. Food and beverages, including water, are prohibited in the reading room. Pens are also not allowed (we have pencils if you need them :). If it's your first time in the archives this year, we'll have a researcher registration form for you to fill in and sign. Our full reading room procedures can be found here.

You are welcome to bring laptops, cameras, and phones into the reading room. We also have scanning and photography equipment available for researcher use.