(This page is based on Asako Shiba’s original LibGuide with instructions for minimum fields for Resources in ASpace 1.4.2)
Purpose: To describe the collections and their contents, as well as the means for accessing them and the context(s) in which they were created.
Who creates, and when: Anyone involved with processing collections will at some point likely need to create a new resource record and/or add information to existing resource records.
To Create a New Record:
1. Basic Information
2. Dates
3. Extents
4. Agent Links
5. Notes
6. Instances
7. Classifications
1. Basic Information
2. Finding Aid Data
3. Notes
Enter the collection’s title. Generally, a collection’s title consists of a name segment and a term indicating the nature of the collection being described. The name segment provides the name(s) of the person(s), family (families), or organization(s) primarily responsible for creating, assembling, or maintaining the materials. Names should be recorded in the form by which the creator is generally known.
The segment of the title indicating the nature of the archival unit can take several forms:
At the UHM Library, a unique identifier (resource number) is assigned to all archival and manuscript collections. Our resource numbers consist of two parts: MANUSCRIPT prefix and alpha-numeric code. The MANUSCRIPT prefix is used for all resource numbers. The second part consists of one-, two-, or four-letter alpha code representing the managing department (see below) and five-digit numbers. Each department maintains its own sequence numbers.
Enter 'MANUSCRIPT' in the first box, and an alpha-numeric code in the next box.
Alpha codes:
For example, “MANUSCRIPT UA00015” is a number assigned to one of the University Archives collections. There may be “MANUSCRIPT H00015” - a resource number for a collection managed by Hawaiian Collection.
For a top-level description, choose Collection from the controlled value list.
For components within a multi-level description, choose Series, Sub-series or File as appropriate.
Choose the primary language of the materials in the collection from the controlled value list.
For more nuance, you can also add a Language of Materials Note.
Check if there are any restrictions from deed of gift or applicable regulations (excluding copyright law). If checked, additional description should be recorded in Conditions Governing Access and/or Conditions Governing Use Notes.
Click the ‘Add Date’ button to get started.
The Dates section as a whole can be repeated; multiple Dates sections can be used to describe the entire collection in different ways, for example to give both ‘bulk’ and ‘inclusive’ dates in machine-readable form, or to list other types of dates in addition to ‘Creation’ dates (e.g. ‘Publication’, ‘Copyright’, or ‘Broadcast’ dates).
Nevertheless, don’t use multiple collection-level Dates sections to describe different portions of the collection; instead, add component-specific Dates section(s) to each individual component you wish to describe.
Choose the term that best characterizes the date from the controlled value list. ('Creation' is generally the most common.)
This field is required if Dates > Begin and Dates > End are empty. Enter a natural‐language expression of the date range. Follow the guidelines (and also see the instructions for the Dates > Type field, below):
Indicate if the date is for Single, Bulk, or Inclusive Date(s) from the controlled value list, using the above examples as guidelines.
These fields are for normalized (i.e. searchable) dates, and are required if the Dates > Expression field is empty. The field(s) will appear when you choose a value for Dates > Type. Enter values in a YYYY, YYYY-MM, or a YYYY-MM-DD format.
Click the ‘Add Extent’ button to get started.
Note that ‘Portion’, ‘Number’, and ‘Type’ are mandatory for each Extents section you add.
If all the material in the collection has been assigned (via container instances) to Top Containers that have Container Profiles attached, then the Extents Section's ‘Calculate Extent’ button can be used to create a draft extent. This usually will not be the case, and should be double-checked even if it is.
Indicate in Portion if the extent statement characterizes the entire resource (Whole) or part of the resource (Part). One extent statement for the whole resource is required, and one or more extent statements for parts of the resource may be recorded.
Record the number for the extent measurement, e.g., 3.75.
Select the type of extent from the controlled value list, e.g., linear feet. The UHM Library has not come up with a standardized method to record the extent information, but “linear foot” has been usually used for tangible records. Below are linear footages for some standard archival containers:
Note that the ‘standard’ box extents have changed from earlier versions of these instructions!
Also note that they measure the inside of boxes, i.e. the actual extent of folders in a box. The Container Profiles linked to via Top Container records measure the outside of boxes, and are usually between ¼” and ½” larger than the interior measurements in each direction.
Note for Digital materials: Only create extents in terms of Tera-, Giga-, Mega-, or Kilobytes. Don’t create extents for the containers (e.g. discs, floppies, etc.) Instead, list those in the Container Summary field.
Additionally, usage of ‘discs’ and ‘disc’ as the ‘Type’ should be reserved for audio materials (including vinyl records and audio CDs); do not use them as the ‘Type’ for files on computer discs like CD-ROMs or DVDs. (Commercial video DVDs are a borderline case.)
Give a parenthetical listing of the number and type of containers if it's not obvious from the 'Number' and 'Type' fields.
Names of entities (e.g., persons, families, or corporate entities) that have played a significant role in creating, using, and maintaining the archival materials are considered the creator(s) of the materials. DACS requires you to record the creator information, if known. In ArchivesSpace, you can do so by linking Agent records to your Resource description.
Click the Add Agent Link button to get started.
Next to Role, click the drop-down list button, and select Creator. Next to Agents, either start typing to see if the desired agent already exists, or click on the drop-down list and select Browse to browse existing Agent records. In some cases no Agent record exists for the creator you would like to link to. In that event, see the instructions for creating Agent records, and have the Agent record you create double-checked by a cataloger familiar with ArchivesSpace (as of Fall 2017, Margaret Joyce).
DO NOT add Agent links with ‘Role’ = 'Subject' unless you are a cataloger! (And have been asked to add subjects to the record.)
Click on ‘Add Note’ to bring up the Notes fields. The allowable notes are listed in the ‘Note Type’ drop down in alphabetical order, however each new note added to a Resource Record is appended to the bottom of the list of existing notes.
As neither alphabetical order nor data-entry order is necessarily logical, be sure to click on the ‘Apply Standard Note Order’ button at the top of the Notes Section before saving and exiting the Resource Record.
For access restrictions that are caused by the need for specific software, hardware, or playback equipment, use a ‘Technical Specifications / Requirements’ Note (DACS 4.3) instead of a ‘Conditions Governing Access’ note.
Access restrictions: use to describe issues involving materials’ physical condition, donor agreements, potential for containing sensitive information, licensing conditions, and/or intellectual property rights that prevent patrons from reading/viewing/listening to them, e.g.:
Use restrictions: use to describe issues involving materials’ licensing conditions, donor agreements, and/or intellectual property rights that prevent patrons from citing/copying/creating derivative works from them, e.g.:
To create these notes, set note's Type to Conditions Governing Access or Conditions Governing Use and enter your text in the Content box that appears as a Sub Note.
In the ‘Text’ Sub Note, give information about any restrictions on access to the collection--whole or part--being described as a result of the nature of the information therein or statutory/contractual requirements. For best DACS compliance, all collections should have a ‘Conditions Governing Access’ note; if there are no access restrictions on the collection, state that fact.
You can assign these notes at any level of description, but because people don’t always think to look for notes at the file level it’s best to include them at higher levels (collection-level, and possibly series-level if material within a series has different restrictions than the collection overall).
In both Use and Access notes, You can give date information (by filling out the 'Restriction Begin' and 'Restriction End' fields). In Access notes, you may further identify the restriction by assigning one or more Local Access Restriction Type(s) as appropriate.
There can be multiple Sub Notes within a single ‘Conditions Governing Access’ or ‘Conditions Governing Use’ note. This could be used to offer two versions of a note for a single restriction, for example one that is published/public and a second that is unpublished/internal-only and has more detail about the restriction and/or the material restricted.
There can also be multiple ‘Conditions Governing Access’ and/or ‘Conditions Governing Use’ notes. This could be used to describe multiple different types of restrictions (e.g. a set of material that was restricted both because of its physical condition and because the donor imposed an access restriction) and/or restrictions with differing end dates (e.g. no reproductions at all during the donor’s lifetime, and reproductions/quoting only with permission of the estate thereafter).
Make sure to check all the ‘Publish?’ boxes for anything you want to be made public—both the parent notes and the sub-notes have them—and conversely make sure that anything you want to be internal-only has the ‘Publish?’ box un-checked.
To create this note, set Note Type to Scope and Contents and enter your text in the Content box that appears as a Sub Note. This note should provide information about the nature of the materials and activities reflected in the unit being described so that researchers can judge its potential relevance. This may include information about any or all of the following, as appropriate:
For long notes, separate paragraphs by wrapping each paragraph in <p> </p> tags (Carriage returns don’t always register as line breaks in ASpace.)
As with most Note types, there can be multiple Sub Notes within a single ‘Scope and Contents’ note. This could be used to offer two versions of a note, one that is published/public and a second that is unpublished/internal-only. (E.g. to note the specific location of visually-interesting materials suitable for exhibits or show-and-tell presentations.)
Similarly, make sure to check all the ‘Publish?’ boxes for anything you want to be made public—both the parent notes and the sub-notes have them—and conversely make sure that anything you want to be internal-only has the ‘Publish?’ box un-checked.
To create this note, set the note’s ‘Type’ to ‘Physical Location’ and enter your text in the Content box. This note should provide information about the physical location of the materials, overall.
Unlike the location information in the ‘Instances’ section—which requires material to be linked to a specific top container, and then links that top container to a specific location—the information in this note is more freeform.
(Leilani will not fault anyone for using this note instead of using ‘Instances’, but it’s better practice to use both.)
An ‘Instance’ is a physical or digital instantiation of materials. Choose whether you’re adding container instances (for physical items, including both original materials, and microfilm, photocopies, or other analog reproductions) or digital object instances (for born-digital materials within a mixed collection and/or for digitized versions of analog material).
Click on either the ‘Add Container Instance’ button or the 'Add Digital Object' button to get started.
To link to an existing Digital Object record, either type a few letters into a search bar or click on the downward-pointing triangle to browse.
If there isn’t already a Digital Object record for your material, follow the instructions for creating Digital Object records, and then return to the Resource Record and link to it.
If there is more than one digital version of an item—e.g. master, mezzanine, thumbnail, etc.—each should have its own Digital Object Instance.
Unlike previous versions of ArchivesSpace, it’s no longer possible to have a physical Instance without attaching it to a specific Top Container.
Containers, Locations, and Top Containers: If it moves and/or can get paged, it’s a Container. If it’s stationary, it’s a Location. If it’s a container that is not contained within any other container, it’s a Top Container.
To link to an existing top container—for example when adding an accrual to an existing collection, or adding either a very small collection or a few folders of oversized materials to a multi-collection box—either type a few letters into a search bar or click on the downward-pointing triangle to browse.
To create a new Top Container record directly from the Resource Instance section, click on the downward-pointing triangle and choose ‘Create’.
For folders or other child/grandchild containers within a box or other Top Container:
Click on the Add Classification button to get started.
Start typing a department/collection name to select from the drop-down list, or click on the triangle by the search box to bring up the full list. Use a code that starts with “DE.” Those with “RG” are reserved for collections in the University Archives.
To link the Classification to the Resource Record:
If the department/collection you are looking for doesn’t appear in the full list of Classifications, save the resource record and follow the instructions for creating a new Classification.
Click on Save Resource again.
All Resource Record fields besides those listed above in the 'Required' section and below in the ‘Do Not Use’ section are optional. However, those mentioned here are among the more commonly-used ones.
Enter the name of the person or people who wrote the finding aid.
Choose ‘DACS’ from the drop down menu, unless the finding aid was specifically created according to a different set of rules.
Enter information on any funding the material received (e.g. for processing, supplies, conservation treatment, etc.).
Indicate whether the finding aid is complete, in progress, or under revision. If more nuance is needed, enter a brief narrative in the ‘Finding Aid Note’ field immediately below the ‘Finding Aid Status’ field.
Note that this field refers strictly to the status of the finding aid itself. In order to indicate the status of the resource being described, use the ‘Processing Status’ field in the ‘Collection Management’ section.
Can be used to give a brief overview of the collection; usually created from one or two sentences summarizing the Biographical/Historical Note plus one or two sentences summarizing the Scope and Contents Note.
Enter the abstract into the ‘Content’ field, and be sure to check the ‘Publish?’ checkbox for both the note and the sub note.
This note is used to provide information about the creator(s) of the materials that the resource record describes. Rather than being full histories or biographies of the creators, the note should focus on the aspects that help contextualize the resource and the conditions under which it was created.
Create the note by selecting the Note Type ‘Biographical/Historical’.
As with most Note types, each of these Notes allows for multiple Sub Notes.
Make sure to check all the ‘Publish?’ boxes for anything you want to be made public—both the parent notes and the sub-notes have them—and conversely make sure that anything you want to be internal-only has its ‘Publish?’ box un-checked.
One or both of these fields may be used to describe how the material came into the Library’s possession. ‘Custodial History’ tends to be used for longer, more involved chain of custody information than ‘Immediate Source of Acquisition’.
For long notes, separate paragraphs by wrapping each paragraph in <p> </p> tags. (Carriage returns don’t always register as line breaks in ASpace.)
As with most Note types, each of these Notes allows for multiple Sub Notes. This could be used to offer two versions of provenance information, one that is published/public and a second that is unpublished/internal-only.
Make sure to check all the ‘Publish?’ boxes for anything you want to be made public—both the parent notes and the sub-notes have them—and conversely make sure that anything you want to be internal-only has the ‘Publish?’ box un-checked.
Used to note analog materials that have been microfilmed or digitized, A/V that has been transferred to alternate formats, etc.
Enter the information about any copies into the ‘Content’ field—if desired, multiple sub notes can be used to describe copies of different sets of material—and be sure to check the ‘Publish?’ checkbox for both the note and any sub notes that should be visible to the public.
If there is significant material—judged by either volume or importance—in a language other than the one listed in the ‘Language’ field in the ‘Basic Information’ section, then use this note to describe the other language(s) in the material(s).
Enter the information into the ‘Content’ field, and be sure to check the ‘Publish?’ checkbox for both the note and the sub note if it should be visible to the public.
Can be used to indicate the existence (and location) of additional information about the collection that has been created but not entered into ASpace, for example card catalogs, detailed inventories, indexes of items or correspondents, etc.
Enter the information about any other finding aids into the ‘Content’ field, and be sure to check the ‘Publish?’ checkbox for both the note and the sub note if it should be visible to the public.
Enter the preferred citation for the resource, usually something along the lines of: “[Item identification]. {Resource Title}. {Resource ID}. {Managing Department}, {Repository Information}.” For example:
Enter the citation into the ‘Content’ field, and be sure to check the ‘Publish?’ checkbox for both the note and the sub note.
Note: Also see the fields in the (also optional) 'Collection Management' section.
Both the ‘Processing Information’ Note and the fields in the ‘Collection Management’ section can be used to describe information about the process of processing itself.
The main differences between the two are that, in comparison with the ‘Processing Information’ note, the ‘Collection Management’ section fields 1) allow for much finer parsing of data into individual elements, and 2) are never visible to the public (there is no option for publishing them).
For this reason, any information about the process of processing that may help researchers navigate the materials should go in a ‘Processing Information’ note, either instead of or in addition to being entered somewhere in the ‘Collection Management’ section.
Enter the information into the ‘Content’ field, and be sure to check the ‘Publish?’ checkbox for both the note and the sub note if it should be visible to the public.
For long notes, separate paragraphs by wrapping each paragraph in <p> </p> tags. (Carriage returns don’t always register as line breaks in ASpace.)
Can be used to indicate materials that are closely related to those described by the resource record.
Enter the information on the related materials into the ‘Content’ field, and be sure to check the ‘Publish?’ checkbox for both the note and the sub note if it should be visible to the public.
The 'External Documents' section provides the titles and locations of associated documents that are not part of the collection, and can be used for any of the following (among other things):
Click the 'Add External Document' button to get started. Give the document's title (or filename) in the 'Title' field, and its physical location, full server filepath, or URL/URI in the 'Location' field.
Be sure to click the 'Publish?' checkbox if the document should be visible to the public, or to leave it unchecked if it should be internal-only.
The ‘Related Accessions’ section allows the Resource Record to be linked to one or more accession record(s).
Click the ‘Add Related Accession’ button to get started.
Most of the fields in the section are fairly self-explanatory. Some overlap with information that could be entered into the ‘Finding Aid Data’ section and/or various Notes, particularly the 'Processing Information' Note. However, information in the ‘Finding Aid Data’ section is always public if the Resource Record is published, while information in the ‘Collection Management’ section is never public, even if the Resource Record is published. (And the visibility of Notes is controlled separately for each individual Note or sub note.)
‘Processing Plan’
‘Funding Source’
‘Processing Status’
Do Not add Subject links unless you are a cataloger! (And have been asked to do so.)
The Archives Subcommittee of the CDMC—which manages the Library’s ArchivesSpace installation—includes a cataloger as a standing member (as of Fall 2017, Margaret Joyce). To get subjects added to a finished Resource record, have your department’s Subcommittee member ask her to analyze your record and add subject links.
The index created by this note isn’t used for indexes to collection materials.
If you have an index for some or all of the collection (e.g. an alphabetical index to correspondents within a series arranged chronologically), then instead create that as a Note with ‘Note Type’ = ‘General’.
Click on the ‘Add Sub Note’ button, and in the ‘Note Type’ drop down that appears, choose ‘Defined List’
Enter the title of your index in the ‘Title’ field, and then add individual index items by clicking on the ‘Add Item’ button.
The data model that ArchivesSpace uses for Rights Statements changes significantly between version 1.5 and version 2.0. So, since we plan to upgrade relatively soon, it makes more sense in the meantime to not use Rights Statements.
For now, use the 'Restrictions?' checkbox along with the 'Conditions Governing Access' and/or 'Conditions Governing Use' Notes instead of Rights Statements to describe rights and related issues.
Do not use any ‘User Defined’ fields without first bringing the suggested use and purpose of those fields to the Archives Subcommittee—we don’t want people using the same fields in different ways!
Records for lower-level collection components—i.e. series, subseries, files, and items—can be added 1) entirely by hand, 2) in a somewhat expedited manner via Rapid Data Entry [RDE], or 3) in a mostly automated fashion via EAD import.
Best For: Entering information about series and subseries, which tend to have more need for notes and less data that is the same from one series/subseries to the next.
To add a child component to a collection (or other top-level) Resource Record:
First make sure that the parent record has been saved at least once. (ASpace won’t let you add child components until the parent resource has been officially created.)
Clicking the blue ‘Save Archival Object’ button the first time creates the object (and later saves any updates); this is required before moving back to the parent record or on to any other components.
Rearranging components:
Best For: Entering file-level information for relatively small collections (under a couple of hundred files), where the effort of creating a separate Excel spreadsheet & transforming it to EAD would be more trouble than it would be worth.
In collections with series and/or subseries, first create the series (and subseries) components by hand.
The RDE interface has various auto-fill capabilities, including the ability to replicate data from the top row into all subsequent rows, the ability to fill a column with a single value, and the ability to fill a column with a numerical or alphabetical sequence.
To add rows/components, click on the down-ward pointing arrow on the right side of the green ‘Add Row’ button.
Presuming file-level components, ensure that each row’s ‘Level of Description’, ‘Publish?’, and ‘Title’ fields are all completed; it’s also good practice to complete the ‘Dates’ and ‘Instances’ fields.
Up to three sets of Notes fields may be entered via RDE, but it’s better to add any necessary Notes by hand since the interface makes it awkward.
Additionally, Digital Object Instances cannot be created in the RDE interface, only Container Instances. (Digital Object Instances would need to be added by hand).
After entering all the component data click the ‘Validate Rows’ button to make sure they have each been filled in correctly. (Note that this does not check for completeness in fields not required by ASpace, for example it won’t check to see that you have entered data into the ‘Title’ field.)
After validation, click the ‘Save Rows’ button to create the components and add them to the record.
Once saved and added to the Resource Record, components can be rearranged in the same way as described in the Manual Method section.