1. Locations
2. Location Profiles
3. Container Profiles
Purpose: To describe physical areas (drawers, shelves, cabinets, bins, etc.) where collections are stored.
Who creates, and when: Any collections services librarian/staff member (essentially everyone but students) with ASpace access.
To Create a New Record (minimum fields / level of description):
Go to the ‘Create’ drop down menu, and choose ‘Single Location’ or ‘Create Batch Locations’ as appropriate.
Individual new locations can be created at the time of accession, or locations can be created singly or in batches via the ‘Create’ drop down menu. These instructions specifically detail the creation of locations for rows/bays of shelving and for file cabinets/map cases (and their drawers); if you have other types of physical locations ask Leilani for help creating them.
‘Building’ is the only field ASpace requires, but to fully define each location we also use the ‘Room,’ ‘Coordinate Label 1,’ ‘Coordinate Indicator 1,’ and ‘Repository’ fields. Lower-level Coordinates and Indicators are used in certain types of locations, and a ‘Location Profile’ can also be linked if desired.
Coordinate Label 1: Enter “Section” (this is the label for the next field).
Coordinate Indicator 1: Enter the section number in one of the following formats:
To indicate file cabinets, map cases, and their drawers as locations, first enter Repository, Building, and Room (and Location Profile, if desired) as described elsewhere on this page.
To create a map case or file cabinet as a single, overall location:
To create individual locations for specific case/cabinet drawers:
‘Building,’ ‘Room,’ ‘Location Profile,’ and ‘Repository’ are entered the same as when creating single locations.
Shelving coordinates can be entered as ranges, and should be for rooms that haven’t yet been added as Locations in ASpace.
If the room is one like the 6th floor storage space that has multiple areas, enter the name or indicator of the specific area that the batch of locations fall within into the ‘Area’ field. (Otherwise, leave ‘Area’ blank.)
However, as of October 2017, there is one Location Record for a digital location. While 'Identifier' and/or ‘URI’ fields within Digital Object Records are strongly preferred methods for recording digital locations, the following instructions can be used to indicate locations of digital objects without stable URIs.
Location Profile: Location Profile records are used to specify the dimensions and/or extent of a physical space. They can be linked to Location Records in much the same way that Container Profiles can be linked to Top Containers.
To link a Location Profile to one or more Locations:
Note1: Only one Location Profile can be linked to each location, so if linking a Location Profile to a set of Locations created using the Batch Locations method, make sure that all the locations being created are the same size!
Note 2: The automatic space calculator only works if Resource Record container instances are assigned both to Locations that have attached Location Profiles and to Top Containers that have attached Container Profiles.
Purpose: Used to specify the dimensions and/or extent of a physical space, and also to provide some standardization for Location Records.
Who creates, and when: As currently configured, only people with ASpace sysadmin privileges can create Location Profiles. Location Profiles are created in advance of creating Location Records for physical locations, which are then linked to the Location Profile.
To Create a New Record:
Go to the ‘System’ drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of the overall ASpace interface (near your profile name). Select “Manage Location Profiles”.
Choose a descriptive name for the Location Profile. Examples:
See notes above under ‘Name’ for guidelines on how to measure shelves/spaces. “Dimension Units” should be set to inches, and the unit fields themselves should contain just numbers.
Purpose: Used to specify the dimensions and/or extent of a physical container, and also to provide some standardization for Container Records.
Who creates, and when: As currently configured, only people with ASpace sysadmin privileges can create Container Profiles. Container Profiles are created in advance of creating Container Records for physical Top Containers, which are then linked to a specific Container Profile.
To Create a New Record:
Go to the ‘System’ drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of the overall ASpace interface (near your profile name). Select “Manage Container Profiles”.
For 'Name', give a descriptive name for the type of container being described.
Where it’s not obvious, the Name should include the container’s interior dimensions (so that it’s clear what size materials will fit inside the container). Examples:
The individual 'Dimensions' fields should measure the outside of the container (so that the space calculator can accurately determine how many of which containers will fit on what shelves.)
The ‘Extent Dimension’ field indicates which dimension is used by the extent calculator (related to, but not the same as, the space calculator).
If desired, enter the maximum number of boxes of this type that can be stacked on top of each other. This is used in the space calculator. If no number is entered, the ASpace assumes that the boxes cannot be stacked.