Key to abbreviations used: (S) Serial; (D) Database/ Digital Subscription; (OP) Out-of-Print; (AV) Audio-Video Material; (e) e-Book; (R) Reference Collection; (HC) Cloth; (PA) Paperback. |
These materials on the subject of traditional Hawaiian visual arts are a selection of the best references by subject or are included for their visual appeal. Students, a small library, or collector should find these useful in searching for information on the topic. This list is not comprehensive.
This is a retrospective collection, with the best examples in books and video focused on traditional arts such as kapa, lei, sculpture, tattoo, compilations of Hawaiian art for exhibitions, or books featuring the materials used such as ethno-botanical sources, and databases on Hawaiian ethnology. No more than two resources were selected on a specific material such as featherwork or kapa. Though many of these art forms are not well represented in print, when possible the most recent and best illustrated materials were included with a focus on materials published over the past 20 years. There are exceptions, when there were only good quality publications on a specific topic were printed before 2000. The emphasis of the collection is on printed books with durable attractive binding and photographs or drawings, as this is intended to be primarily a visual collection, accessible for browsing, with representation of individual items a high priority. The databases and subscription database, e-book, and journals will be available remotely for authorized users such as students, faculty and staff.
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