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FSHN 389 Nutrition Assessment

Nutrition Assessment

Image of Anatomy of a Scholarly ArticleRun time 4:45

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article -North Carolina State University Libraries

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)

Comparing Scholarly Articles and Popular, Professional and Trade Sources


Popular, Professional and Trade

Always includes author names and institutional affiliations

Names are sometimes included, but are often anonymous staff writers

Always includes citations or footnotes

Seldom include citations or footnotes

Reports on experiments or other original research to make the results available to the scholarly community; sometimes literature reviews

Articles for the general public or for professionals in a specific industry about relevant trends and issues

Generally includes sections for introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion

Articles are generally short

Uses technical or specialized vocabulary

Written using vocabulary relevant to the publication's audience

Little or no advertising

Advertising that relates to the audience of the publication

Peer-reviewed before publication

Not reviewed by outside scholars