Dr. Yamashita in front of the Hawaiian Mural in the UHM Library on April 17, 2019

Dr. Yamashita visiting Monica Ghosh, UHM University Librarian on April 17, 2019
Fm L: Tokiko Bazzell, Sam Yamashita, Monica Ghosh

Dr. Sam Yamashita posing at the Library Elevator Exhibit on April 17, 2019
The Library Elevator Exhibit "Washoku: Japanese Foods & Flavors"

Dr. Sam Yamashita with the Chef Roy Yamaguchi in front of the public lecture flyer on April 17, 2019 at UHM Hamilton Library
Chef Roy Yamaguchi is well known for his unique fusion cuisines. He runs several famous Roy's restaurants in Oahu.

Monica Ghosh, University Librarian, welcoming Dr. Yamashita and event participants in Hamilton Library Room 306 on April 17, 2019

Dr. Mire Koikari of UHM Women's Studies & co-organizer of the event, introducing Dr. Sam Yamashita in UHM Hamilton Library on April 17, 2919

Over 100+ people enjoying Dr. Sam Yamashita's talk in UHM Hamilton Library on April 17, 2019

Great turnout for Dr. Sam Yamashita's public lecture in UHM Hamilton Library on April 17, 2019
Edward Yagi controls BlueJeans live streaming at the back of the room.

Over 100 audience at Dr. Sam Yamashita's public lecture in UHM Hamilton Library on April 17, 2019

Dr. Sam Yamashita answering to a question during the Q&A session, moderated by Dr. Mire Koikari in UHM Hamilton Library on April 17, 2019

Dr. Lonny Carlile, Director of the Center for Japanese Studies, chatting with Dr. Sam Yamashita just before the lecture on April 17, 2019
From left: Lonny Carlile, Tokiko Bazzell, Samuel Yamashita in Hamilton Library Room 306

Co-organizers of the public lecture event with Dr. Sam Yamashita, in UHM Library on April 17, 2019
from left: Tokiko Bazzell, Japan Studies Librarian, Sam Yamashita, Professor of Pomona College, Mire Koikari, Professor of UHM Women's Studies

Post lecture: Posing with Chef Roy Yamaguchi in UHM Hamilton Library on April 17, 2019
From left: Tokiko Bazzell, holding Dr. Yamashita's forth-coming book "Hawaii Regional Cuisine", Monica Ghosh, Mire Koikari, Sam Yamashita, Roy Yamaguchi

Post-lecture photo: Posing at the UHM Hamilton Library Elevator Gallery, "Washoku: Japanese Foods & Flavors" on April 17, 2019
From Left: Tokiko Bazzell, Sam Yamashita holding his forth-coming book "Hawaii Regional Cuisine," Lonny Carlile, Carol Abe (UH Press)

Post-lecture: Posing at the UHM Hamilton Library Elevator Gallery on April 17, 2019
From Left: Joan Pan (Ph.D student, CJS Intern), Tokiko Bazzell, Sam Yamashita, Carol Abe (UH Press) at the Exhibit, "Washoku: Japanese Foods & Flavors"

Dr. Sam Yamashita responding to a question from the audience in UHM Library on April 17, 2019

Chef Roy Yamaguchi holding Dr. Sam Yamashita's forthcoming book, "Hawaii Regional Cuisine" by the UH Press.

Dr. Yuma Totani of UHM History chatting with Dr. Sam Yamashita before the lecture starts on April 17, 2019