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Korean Films at Hamilton Library

Korean Films
For your convenience, this page contains a list of the Korean films currently available through the library, listed by Korean and English titles.

Korean Film DVDs by KOFIC
The Korea Collection was selected as a Korean Film Council (KOFIC)'s 'hub-library' in 2007 through 2009.

KOFIC's hub-library program was one of their support programs for Korean Film Studies, especially designed for libraries or research centers of a university or college overseas.

Since then, the Korea Collection has received a good many Korean film-related materials published in domestic or foreign countries as well as Korean film DVDs, provided by KOFIC, in order to support Korean Film Studies scholars and students at the University of Hawaii. It also hopes that this support program will help broaden the base of ordinary audiences overseas for Korean films.

Some of the DVDs from KOFIC have not yet been processed. Unprocessed titles will not have a hyperlink on this list. If you find a title that you would like to check out, please contact the Korea Studies Librarian.

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