SRC Coordinator
School of Travel industry Management
Shidler College of Business
University of Hawaii at Manoa
About Sunset Reference Center (SRC)
The Sunset Reference Center (SRC) was established in 1978 by the contribution of Mr. L. W. Lane, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Lane Publishing Company and publisher of Sunset Magazine.
The purpose of SRC is to promote understanding and research assistance in the fields of travel industries. With that purpose, SRC collects tourism-oriented periodicals and research publications in general and Hawaii to support students and faculty of the University of Hawaii. SRC also offers study space and a meeting/event lounge.
Web link: Sunset Reference Center homepage
Books & documents:
The Sunset Reference Center (SRC) provides more than 7000 books, newsletters, annual reports, case studies, and dissertations related to Travel Industry Management, focusing on Asia and the Pacific regions. Those resources cover the fields of
Sunset Reference Center (SRC) Archives Collection
The collection includes both records and papers, such as three Dean’s documents, program reviews, reports, correspondence, meeting notes, school history records, newsletters, brochures, images (photographs, DVD, and Videos) of school and student activities. Students activities are well represented, although not all students are identified.
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Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA
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