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Government Documents - Department of State; Peace Corps: Peace Corps

Guide to holdings for the Department of State, its subsidiary agencies, and the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps was established by executive order in 1961 within the Department of State. In 1971, it became part of another agency, ACTION. In 1981, it was established as an independent executive branch agency.

Mission:  To promote world peace and friendship by fulfilling three goals:

  • To help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women
  • To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served
  • To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans

Volunteer today

Government Documents holds a partial collection of Peace Corps publications, all of which are cataloged and searchable in OneSearch. Many of them are manuals to teach volunteers how to manage projects. We also have these titles:

Information Collection and Exchange Series (PE 1.10:)

We have numerous Congressional hearings and reports about Peace Corps and its budget and activities. Search for these using ProQuest Congressional (UHM login required). 

Please contact a government documents librarian if you have questions about our holdings.

Peace Corps volunteer locations

Map of locations of Peace Corps volunteers

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Gwen Sinclair
2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu HI 96822