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Government Documents - United Nations Collection: Databases and Indexes

These databases require a UHM login for remote access:

The following databases are free:

The databases listed below are freely accessible.

The following databases require a UHM login for remote access.


State of the World’s Children. The UN’s annual publication on various issues affecting children with supporting data and statistics.


International Monetary Fund (IMF). IMF publications, including Country Reports, Working Papers, Occasional Papers, and Policy Discussion Papers.  Some of the statistical databases are fee-based - see Data and Statistics.

World Bank Documents and Reports. Full-text of World Bank project reports, including country and economic sector work, evaluation reports, working papers, and project appraisals.

Food and Agriculture

FAO Document Repository. The FAO Corporate Document Repository houses FAO documents and publications, as well as selected non-FAO publications, in electronic format.


Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS). Find data about HIV infenction and AIDS worldwide.

World Health Organization publications include annual World Health Report, 1995-present, and World Health Statistics, 2005-present.

World Health Organization Documentation. Documentation of the WHO executive board decisions and assemblies.

International Treaties

U.N. Treaty Collection includes UN Treaty series (UNTS), League of Nations Treaty Series (LNTS), Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General (MTDSG), and the Monthly Statement of Treaties and International Agreements (MS).


International Court of Justice. Principle judicial organ of the United Nations. Includes decisions, written pleadings, and verbatim records of oral proceedings.

Question of Palestine

UNISPAL, United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine. Texts of current and historical UN material concerning the question of Palestine and other issues related to the Middle East situation.


United Nations Conference on Trade & Development Digital Library. Includes online texts of UNCTAD discussion papers, occasional papers, globalization and development strategies and much more.

World Trade Organization Working Documents. Full Text 1995 to the present. Documents include text of the trade policy reviews  and other trade topics as well as official documents and resources, including those of GATT (predecessor to WTO)


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Gwen Sinclair
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