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Government Documents - Department of Homeland Security: Federal Emergency Management Agency

Describes our holdings of Homeland Security and related agency publications.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was established in 1979 through an executive order that merged several disaster response agencies and functions. FEMA took on the functions of the Federal Insurance Administration, the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, the National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program, the Federal Preparedness Agency of the General Services Administration, the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration activities from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. In 2003, FEMA became part of the newly-created Department of Homeland Security.

What to expect when you apply for FEMA aid poster

Books about the agency:

Government Documents holds a partial collection of FEMA publications. Print items are fully cataloged and searchable in OneSearch. Holdings include the following series:

Flood insurance studies (FEM 1.209/ or HS 5.116/)

Flood maps are also available online through the Flood Map Insurance Center.

We have many Congressional hearings, reports, and documents about disasters, emergency preparedness, civil defense, and related topics. Search for these using ProQuest Congressional (UHM login required).

Flood Insurance Study

Flood insurance study, Hawaii County, Hawaii

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Gwen Sinclair
2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu HI 96822